MACPAC is a political action committee, or PAC. PACs give money to candidates running for elective office. In MACPAC’s case, it will only give money to incumbent state legislators who have a record of being a friend to counties.

By making a donation to MACPAC, you will become a member of MACPAC. As a member of MACPAC, you will have the chance to shape Lansing policy and have a lot of fun doing it.

MACPAC members will have the opportunity to meet with legislators on important topics and attend MACPAC events and fundraisers with other members from around the state. These functions and other membership activities will enable you to become well-versed in state and federal legislative issues. As a MACPAC member, you will be a part of our strong grass-roots effort, and you can make the opportunity what you wish it to be. You will have access to information, experience, and MAC’s knowledgeable staff — the perfect combination to help MAC become an even stronger voice on behalf of your county.

MACPAC is the best way for you to protect your county’s best interest in the state Legislature. MACPAC will support legislators who have a record of protecting local control, supporting full payment for mandated services and reducing the burden the state has placed on counties. Your contribution will help increase MAC’s visibility in the Legislature, growing the influence of our already strong organization.

MACPAC gives you the power to change the way the Legislature does business with county government by linking you to the 619 commissioners in the state, all speaking with one voice across every House and Senate district. Your contribution strengthens and amplifies our county voice.

2024 MACPAC Donors List

(updated July 1, 2024)


Joining MACPAC is easy! Simply write a check payable to MACPAC and send it to MAC by snail mail or you can donate online. MACPAC has four donor levels, and membership can be renewed annually.

Platinum Membership
Donations of at least $500 annually earn a donor the top status with MACPAC: Platinum. This entitles the donor to: entry to a unique MACPAC event each year; a platinum MACPAC lapel pin; notifications on other MACPAC events; and recognition on MAC’s website and in Michigan Counties, MAC’s bimonthly magazine.

Gold Membership
Donations of at least $250 annually earn a donor Gold status with MACPAC. This entitles the donor to: a gold MACPAC lapel pin; notifications on MACPAC events; and recognition on MAC’s website and in Michigan Counties, MAC’s bimonthly magazine.

Silver Membership
Donations of at least $100 annually earn a donor Silver status with MACPAC. This entitles the donor to: notifications on MACPAC events; and recognition on MAC’s website and in Michigan Counties, MAC’s bimonthly magazine.

Any contribution to MACPAC is gratefully appreciated and makes you an annual member. As such, you will receive notifications for MACPAC’s general activities.

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