100+ commissioner slots will have new faces in 2015

michigan-county-mapMore than 100 of Michigan’s county commissioners will be leaving their offices at the end of the year, either by choice or through decisions made by voters in this week’s primary, a MAC analysis of county election results has found. While most of the 106 departing commissioners either chose not to run for re-election or pursued a different office, 16 of them lost party nomination bids on Aug. 5. Some county boards already assured of a bevy of new faces in 2015 include:
  • Kalamazoo (6 departing out of 11 seats)
  • Kent (5 departing out of 19 seats)
  • Gogebic (3 departing out of 7 seats)
  • Grand Traverse (3 departing out of 7 seats)
  • Kalkaska (3 departing out of 7 seats)
  • Alpena (3 departing out of 8 seats)
The MAC election results database (Excel download) is searchable by commissioner or county name. Names in red denote commissioners who are departing. Commissioners who lost primary elections are designated by an asterisk and note.


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