MAC sees hopeful signs in Whitmer remarks on infrastructure, cooperation
The focus on infrastructure and bipartisanship in Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s 2025 State of the State address this week drew praise from Michigan counties.
“We look forward to being a partner in the governor’s road discussion to ensure more money is coming to county roads. As the governor said tonight, ‘Let’s get back to the negotiating table in the coming days and weeks to find a long-term, bipartisan solution so we can fix more of those damn roads,’” said MAC Board President Melissa Daub, a Wayne County commissioner, in a statement released Wednesday night.
Also notable were the governor’s comments on efforts to attract and retain businesses and talent in Michigan, alongside increased funding and advocacy for men to pursue higher education and trade school opportunities through initiatives like the Michigan Reconnect program. Additionally, she voiced strong support for enhanced transparency in the state’s budget process, proposing that legislators publicly disclose their financial requests for their respective districts.
Although local and county government issues were not a major focal point of her address, the spirit of collaboration present in this legislative session, as reflected in the adoption of much-needed and MAC-supported changes in state law on the minimum wage and employee sick time rules, there is growing optimism for significant policy accomplishments in Lansing in 2025.
For details on MAC’s 2025 legislative priorities, click here.
For general information on MAC’s 2025 advocacy work, visit or contact Governmental Affairs Director Deena Bosworth at
Podcast 83 reviews sick time, MIDC legislation
Counties have new rules to contend with on sick time for employees, plus they may face accounting changes on state funding for indigent defense, explained MAC’s Podcast 83 team in its newest episode this week.
Beating a Feb. 21 deadline, the Legislature adopted substantial changes to state law on minimum wage and sick time rules. MAC’s Deena Bosworth explained the big news for counties is on sick time:
“A lot of (the sick time) debate was centered around the accrual method. How do they earn it? Who gets how many hours? What does it look like if we also offer vacation pay?
“Larger employers ― so every county ― have to give their employees 72 hours of paid sick time every year. Now, you can opt to front load it, so you can give them 72 hours right now, at the beginning of the year, and they can use it. But then they can’t carry it over, and you’re not obligated to pay it out,” Bosworth said.
“Or you can use the accrual method, which is, you earn one hour for every 30 hours worked, but then you will have the obligation of allowing carry forward and may end up paying it out at the end of the year. But it does give a lot more flexibility, especially for those employers and counties who combine paid time off and vacation time together.”
Meanwhile, the Legislature has begun work on bills that could alter how counties receive funds to provide indigent defense in local trial courts.
“(This legislation) is going to expand the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission (MIDC),” said MAC’s new governmental affairs specialist, Jimmy Johnson. “In particular, it’s going to be requiring that they include indigent youth. …
“Another aspect of this legislation is that it would change the disbursement the counties are seeing right now through the MIDC. So, if you’re not familiar with it, there is a 50 percent payment, then a 25 percent and an additional 25 percent to get them to the 100,” he added. “What this bill would do is it would give them a 40 percent disbursement and then three subsequent 20 percent payments. … (W)e want to see that same disbursement stay in place of the 50 percent and then the two 25 percent amounts, just to ensure that our counties know exactly how the money is going to be coming in, and they’re not going to have to make any changes.”
Podcast host Stephan Currie closed this week’s episode with a preview of MAC’s Legislative Conference, set for April 7-9 in Lansing:
“We have a great line up there. We’ve got the governor somewhat confirmed as a speaker. … We’re going to have the executive director of National Association of Counties, Matt Chase, talking about what’s happening in Washington, D.C. … We will have some discussion on road funding and how far a dollar actually goes now in fixing our roads. And we’ve invited the Legislative Quadrant (top leaders) to come speak.”
To view the full episode, recorded on Feb. 25, click here.
Previous episodes can be seen at MAC’s YouTube Channel.
And you always can find details about Podcast 83 on the MAC website.
MAC’s 2025 Member Directory arrives
County commissioners and other county leaders across Michigan should be receiving an important document in their mailboxes this week: the 2025 MAC Membership Directory.
The annual document, with more than 140 pages of information, is mailed free of charge to:
- County commissioners
- County administrators
- County board offices
- Countywide elected officials
As usual, the directory includes:
- Listings of elected officials in each of Michigan’s 83 counties
- Listings of members of the Michigan Legislature and the state’s delegation in the U.S. Congress
- Background material on MAC’s advocacy activities
- A brief history of county government in Michigan
The digital version of the directory will be linked to MAC’s website, with access credentials to be found on Table of Contents page of printed editions.
For corrections or updates to the digital edition, please contact Communications Director Derek Melot at
Rose joins MAC governmental affairs staff
Legan Rose, a native of Holly, Michigan, and a Michigan State University grad, has joined MAC as a governmental affairs associate.
In that role, Legan serves as the hub for MAC’s internal policy committee process and helps with scheduling for MAC’s advocacy staffers.
Legan spent the last few years working in the Michigan House of Representatives, both as a legislative aide for a representative and for the Office of the Clerk as a committee clerk, thereby gaining experience on both the partisan and nonpartisan sides of the Legislature.
She earned her bachelor’s degree from MSU in 2020 in political theory and constitutional democracy, with a minor in political economy.
Southwest Michigan counties can apply for aid on housing, econ development
Counties that have cities within 100 miles of South Bend, Indiana, have an opportunity to apply for resources to help create walkable neighborhoods, spur economic growth through the built environment and address the housing crisis.
The University of Notre Dame School of Architecture’s Housing and Community Regeneration Initiative is seeking applications from municipalities (cities or counties) in Northern Indiana, Southwest Michigan and Northeast Illinois interested in engaging the services of the ND-HCR to conduct a Dean’s Charrette and joining our 100-Mile Coalition. This coalition brings together a group of cities and nonprofits within a 100-mile radius of the University of Notre Dame who are working to address shared issues relating to the built environment.
Deadline for submission is Friday, March 28 at 5 p.m. EST.
Dean’s Charrettes are interactive community engagement processes that result in a vision and action plan for a focus area of a community. The work provides integrated solutions that address a range of potential goals including, but not limited to:
- Creating human-scale, walkable communities
- Establishing a vibrant public realm
- Seeding development to attract investment and retain talent
- Repairing/infilling abandoned, vacant, and underutilized properties
- Reducing critical housing shortages
- Repairing outdated transportation infrastructure that suppresses economic growth
- Encouraging community regeneration while mitigating displacement
- Strategies for implementing mixed-use and mixed-income housing solutions
- Improving health outcomes for residents
Since the inception of the program in January 2021, partner cities have secured over $100 million in state and federal funding based on the concepts developed through the Dean’s Charrette process. Click here for example deliverables from current partner cities.
For more information, contact Angelica Ketcham at
Staff picks
- Mapped: The fastest-warming U.S regions during spring (Axios)
- USDA rolls out $1 billion plan to combat bird flu (Governing)
- Fiscal brief: Michigan Transportation Fund distribution to local road agencies (House Fiscal Agency)
- Meet Bernd das Brot, a depressed German loaf of bread that’s spent 25 years as a TV cult classic (Associated Press)