Interested in national policy? Apply for a NACo committee seat
NACo members have the opportunity to serve on 31 committees, caucuses, task forces and advisory boards to inform national policy-making and help solve problems impacting counties, boroughs and parishes.
Policy Steering Committees

A meeting of one of NACo’s many policy committees.
If you want to serve as a member of one of NACo’s 10 policy steering committees, you simply need to email MAC Executive Director Stephan Currie at MAC is responsible for these appointments. You do not need to complete any forms. Just list your first and second choices for committees. It is NACo practice to reappoint all members each year, so if you currently serve on a committee as a regular member, you will be renewed automatically. Please note that you can only serve on one Policy Steering Committee.
Leadership (chair/vice chair): All chairs and vice chairs of all committees and subcommittees are appointed by the NACo president each spring, with appointments announced at the NACo Annual Conference in July. Appointments are made through an application process. The Presidential application portal for incoming President Supervisor Jame Gore is currently open through April 26, 2024. You can access the site to apply here. Detailed application instructions are outlined below. Please note that you can only serve on one Policy Steering Committee, so if you are appointed to leadership for a committee, you can’t serve as a member on another Policy Steering Committee.
Large Urban County Caucus/Rural Action Caucus
NACo considers any county with a population above 500,000 as a “LUCC county,” which means that any official from that county is eligible to serve on LUCC- but they are not automatically placed on LUCC. Similarly, any county with a population under 500,000 is designated as a “RAC county,” which means that any official from that county is eligible to serve on RAC, but they are not automatically placed on RAC.
LUCC/RAC members must be appointed by the NACo President, and appointments are made through the application process outlined below. You must reapply each year. The Presidential application portal for incoming President Supervisor Jame Gore is currently open through April 26, 2024. You can access the site to apply here. Detailed application instructions are outlined below.

Alisha Bell, chair of the Wayne County Commission, addresses a NACo meeting.
Leadership (chair/vice chair: All chairs and vice chairs of LUCC/RAC are appointed by the NACo president each spring, with appointments announced at the NACo Annual Conference in July. Appointments are made through an application process. You must reapply each year. The presidential application portal for incoming President Supervisor Jame Gore is currently open through April 26, 2024. You can access the site to apply here.
Standing Committees, Task Forces, and Ad-Hoc Committees
Standing Committees, Task Forces and Ad-Hoc Committees members must be appointed by the NACo president, and appointments are made through the application process outlined below. You must reapply each year. The presidential application portal for incoming President Supervisor Jame Gore is currently open through April 26, 2024. You can access the site to apply here.
Leadership (chair/vice chair): All chairs and vice chairs of Standing Committees, Task Forces and Ad-Hoc Committees are appointed by the NACo president each spring, with appointments announced at the NACo Annual Conference in July. Appointments are made through an application process. You must reapply each year. The presidential application portal for incoming President Supervisor Jame Gore is currently open through April 26, 2024. You can access the site to apply here.
Presidential Appointment Process

NACo President Gore greets President Joe Biden during the 2024 NACo Legislative Conference in Washington, D.c.
You will find the application form here. Please note you must reapply each year for any presidential appointment.
Once you click on the link, it will take you to the “My NACO Portal” page, where you need to log in. If you haven’t set up your portal yet, you will need to create your profile and set up a password. Please note, this is the same portal you use to register for NACo events.
Once you log into “My NACo Portal” should be redirected to the Presidential Appointments page. If you aren’t, look for the option “Presidential Appointment” at the top of your page.
The Presidential Appointment page states at the top that it is only for chairs/vice-chairs of committees, but this is also where you apply to be a member of LUCC, RAC, Standing Committees, Task Forces, and Ad-Hoc Committees. Just scroll down the page to see these options.
You can apply for as many roles as you would like, all at one time.
If you have any questions about applying for leadership roles, LUCC, RAC, Standing Committees, Task Forces and Ad-Hoc Committees, you can contact
For additional details on NACo’s policy panels, click here.