Policy platform drafts available for member review in advance of Annual Conference

MAC members review and vote on policy platforms at the 2019 Annual Conference.
Draft platforms for 2024-2025 are now available on our website for your review. These platforms, which were approved by the MAC Board in early August after months of careful consideration and amendments, will guide our legislative efforts and policy positions at the state level.
NOTE: To access this webpage, you will need your county’s MAC credentials, which you can get from your county administrator’s office or by contacting MAC at melot@micounties.org or despins@micounties.org.
The platforms were developed through the diligent work of our internal committees, who reviewed the platforms from previous years and made necessary amendments to reflect current needs and priorities. Our internal committees — Health and Human Services, Judiciary and Public Safety, Transportation and Infrastructure, Finance and General Government, Environmental and Regulatory Affairs and Agriculture and Tourism — have played a crucial role in shaping these documents.
These platforms are critical in helping MAC staff respond to legislative developments and advocate for the interests of counties across Michigan.
Amendment process
MAC’s By-laws (Article III) state:
“Section 6 Platform. A member wishing to submit an amendment to the MAC Platform shall submit the amendment to MAC at least five (5) days prior to the opening day of the MAC Annual Conference. Such amendment will require a majority vote at the annual meeting to be adopted.
“An amendment to the MAC Platform may be presented from the floor during the annual meeting. Such amendment will require a 2/3 majority vote of the members at the meeting at which a quorum is initially established to be adopted.”
To meet the submission deadline, the text of an amendment must be sent to despins@micounties.org by 5 p.m. on Sept. 17.
The final vote on the platforms will take place during our Annual Business Meeting on Thursday, Sept. 26. Your participation in this process is essential, and we look forward to your input and involvement.
For more information, contact Governmental Affairs Director Deena Bosworth at bosworth@micounties.org.