Legislative Conference keynoter will address leadership in times of change

Leading in times of crisis and change will be the theme of the keynote address at the 2024 Michigan Counties Legislative Conference, to be held April 29-May 1 in Lansing.

Retired Adm. Peter Cressy, director of Executive Leadership Programs at the Washington Leadership Institute, will speak on:

Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Churchill: A Strategic Approach to Leading in Times of Crisis and Change: Washington and these other great leaders manifested eight common characteristics in leading during times of crisis and change, ranging from visibility and communication to planning and collaboration. This popular session will explore examples of these traits during the times of crisis each of these outstanding leaders faced, which remain relevant today.”

Registration is now open for the 2024 conference, with sessions at both the DoubleTree (formerly Radisson Hotel) and the Lansing Center. The event is co-hosted by the Michigan County Medical Care Facilities Council (MCMCFC).

Additional plenary sessions will feature:

  • A discussion with the Legislative “Quadrant” (senior officials in the House and Senate)
  • Remarks from National Association of Counties (NACo) President Mary Jo McGuire of Ramsey County, Minnesota
  • MAC Legislative Update
  • Remarks from MAC President Jim Storey of Allegan County
  • Presentation of certificates to the 2024 graduating class of County Commissioner Academy

Breakout sessions on current challenges for county leaders, including broadband funding updates, lessons learned from the opioid settlements, impact of renewable energy siting legislation, options for infrastructure funding to address the expansion of electric vehicles and much more!

A Legislative Reception will be held on the evening of Tuesday, April 30.

Registration is online only and may be done by clicking here.








Member – Full Conference Rate | $425

Member – Two-Day Rate | $370

Member – One-Day Rate | $125 to $245 (depending on day)

Non-Member – Full Conference Rate | $525

Non-Member – Two-Day Rate | $470

Non-Member – One-Day Rate | $165 to $305 (depending on day)

Spouse Meal Package Rate | $225

The DoubleTree (formerly Radisson Hotel) is providing a special group rate of $142.95 for the event and is connected via the newly renovated pedestrian bridge to the Lansing Center itself. The bridge now offers improved lighting, new security systems, ventilation system and carpet.

Check-in is 4 p.m.; check-out is noon. MAC has designed the conference agenda to ensure attendees will have no issues in coordinating their schedules on check-out day.

The cutoff date to reserve your room is April 4, 2024. There is no guarantee that rooms will be available until April 4, so you are encouraged to reserve early.

For agenda details and other information, please consult the MAC website.


MAC briefs Senate panel on opioid settlement efforts

MAC’s Amy Dolinky and Samantha Gibson testified before the Senate Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Appropriations Subcommittee on Wednesday to share the association’s work with counties relating to opioid settlement dollars.

The committee also heard testimony from DHHS and the Opioid Advisory Commission (OAC).

In her testimony Dolinky highlighted MAC’s role in providing planning and capacity building for opioid settlement funds. MAC has created a toolkit for local spending, resource center, resource library, local government learning community, informational webinars, and numerous other resources and templates for use by local governments.

Dolinky reported that 66 counties have engaged in some capacity with MAC’s technical assistance. Most counties have created steering committees to ensure stakeholder engagement, review local data and develop recommendations of priority areas where funds may be used to share with their boards of commissioners.

MAC has advised for intentional effort to include local voices in planning processes and decision-making, as well as long-term and sustainability planning efforts. Most counties have not yet spent funds, Dolinky explained, as they are focused on ensuring they understand the specific needs of their communities and the ways in which funds can be best leveraged alongside other funding sources addressing substance use.

Later that day, Dolinky participated in a media discussion on opioid settlement work with other health policy leaders in Michigan. To view or listen to that discussion, click here.

For more information on the opioid services, contact Amy Dolinky at dolinky@micounties.org.


Counties enjoy 90 percent success rate in millage elections

Michigan counties that asked their residents for revenue support this week achieved a 90 percent success rate, according to results collated by the Gongwer News Service.

Nineteen of 21 county-related millage requests (either renewals or increases) gained voter approval, a success rate of 90 percent, well above the overall rate of 83 percent for all millage elections this cycle.

Click here to see county results.


‘ForwardTogether’ is theme of 2024 National County Government Month

National County Government Month (NCGM), held each April, is an annual celebration of county government. Since 1991, the National Association of Counties (NACo) has encouraged counties to actively promote county roles and responsibilities in serving residents. Counties can schedule activities any time during the month. NCGM is an excellent opportunity for your county to highlight effective or innovative county programs and raise public awareness of services provided to the community. 

This year’s National County Government Month theme is consistent with NACo President Mary Jo McGuire’s focus for the year, ForwardTogether.  

ForwardTogether is about connecting, inspiring and leading – pillars of county government that build trust and drive towards solutions. Counties are encouraged to reflect on this theme as you choose how to celebrate NCGM. In particular, consider how NCGM is so intrinsically connected to the responsibility of county leaders to inspire our residents to take an interest in and engage with their communities, and how it presents an opportunity to lead in new and growing ways.

To download a toolkit from NACo for our NCGM activities, click here.


Counties to get $43.5M for marijuana payments

Seventy-one counties will share in $43.5 million in revenue from the Michigan Department of Treasury for the taxes and fees collected in state fiscal 2023 under the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act (Initiated Law 1 of 2018).

The distribution rate for FY 2023 adult-use marijuana payments is slightly over $59,000 per licensed marijuana retail store or microbusiness. Each city, village, township and county will receive a payment based on the number of licensed marijuana retail stores and microbusinesses located within its jurisdiction as of September 30, 2023.

A listing of adult-use marijuana payments can be found in the following document:

For more information about distributions under the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act, go to www.michigan.gov/revenuesharing. Questions regarding payments can be emailed to TreasRevenueSharing@michigan.gov or call 517-335-7484.


Forum will focus on mass shootings and local responses

A forum to brief county and other local leaders on resources to prevent and respond to mass shootings will be held on April 17 in Lansing.

“School Mass Shooting & Critical Incident Preparedness Forum: The Role of Local Leaders” which run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Crowne Plaza Lansing, 925 S. Creyts Rd. 

“The MSU and Oxford Village shootings have taught us that a school shooting can happen anywhere at any time. We owe it to our children to be prepared. Give the importance of this issue, former Dayton, Ohio, Mayor Nan Whaley (who responded to a mass shooting in Dayton) and Lansing Mayor Andy Schor will be keynote speakers. They will be joined by subject matter experts who will brief us on crisis communications, victim services, law enforcement training needs, school safety and available resources for county and other local leaders,” explained event organizer Sarah Peck of the Public Health Advocacy Institute at Northeastern University’s School of Law.

Registration link: https://www.chds.us/in/registration/?event=3355

Contact Peck at s.peck@phai.org for questions.


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‘Fiscally Ready’ session will feature advice on budget work

How to process and communicate your budget will be among the topics explored at the next “Fiscally Ready Communities” webinar on March 14.

The Michigan Department of Treasury and Michigan State University Extension (MSU Extension) host these free trainings that are designed to assist appointed and elected officials with entry and intermediate level budgeting knowledge.

The March 14 session, which will run from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (Eastern), will feature:

  • The budget process and communicating your budget
  • Dealing with uncertainty in a changing economy
  • Understanding key financial variables, such as:
    • The “rainy day fund”/fund balance/net position
    • Understanding how the tax base provides revenue
    • Understanding volatile revenue
    • Forecasting revenue and expenditures
  • How to track your budget performance, including reviewing and amending your budget
  • How spending in the present will have an impact on the future.

Click here to register.

For more information about Fiscally Ready Communities, please check out the Treasury Fiscally Ready Communities webpage.

For questions, email TreasLocalGov@michigan.gov with the subject line “Fiscally Ready.”


Comment sought on best practices for underfunded retirement plans

The Municipal Stability Board is soliciting feedback on February 2024 revisions to the Corrective Action Plan Development: Best Practices and Strategies document, which was originally issued in 2018.

Section 8 of Public Act 202 of 2017 requires the Municipal Stability Board (the Board) to review and annually update a list of best practices and strategies that will assist underfunded local governments in developing their corrective action plans. At their meeting on Feb. 21, the Board approved an updated best practices and strategies document, which can be viewed at the Board’s website along with other documents at Municipal Stability Board.

The Best Practices and Strategies document includes the following three best practice principles: Plan Funding, Modern Plan Design, and Effective Plan Administration. It also includes detailed corrective action plan approval criteria, including underfunded status, legality, and affordability.

Any individual or organization that would like to submit comments should provide those comments in writing by March 15, 2024.

Comments may be submitted by email to LocalRetirementReporting@michigan.gov with the subject line titled, “Best Practices Comment: 2024.”


MAC Team attends NACo Annual Legislative Conference

The National Association of Counties (NACo) hosted its annual legislative conference earlier this week. Michigan was well represented at the conference with more than sixty commissioners in attendance, as well as several MAC staff members.

Several attendees had the opportunity to meet with their respective congressional representatives. MAC armed them with a list of federal priorities including restoring full mandatory funding for the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program, support for federal legislation to amend the Medicaid Inmate Exclusion Policy to reinstate Medicaid benefits to county jail inmates prior to their release, and extending funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program so low-income households can continue accessing broadband at a reduced rate.

President Joe Biden made an appearance at the conference speaking to a general session on Monday. Biden spoke of America’s comeback from the pandemic era, both economically and emotionally. As a former county commissioner himself, Biden introduced the American Rescue Plan Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to help counties navigate those unprecedented times. Biden highlighted new job opportunities with the return of semiconductor companies to America and a multibillion-dollar investment in broadband deployment.

With deadlines for U.S. Senators and Representatives to submit their earmark requests to appropriations committees, please be sure to inform your federal legislators of any earmark proposals as soon as possible.

The NACo legislative conference is always a great opportunity to swap ideas and learn from other states how they have tackled issues that Michigan is facing. It is a platform for learning more about federal programs and connecting with Michigan’s federal legislators. Please consider participating in 2025!

FY25 budget year is off to good start for counties, Podcast 83 team says

Counties would see significant investments in key needs under Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s fiscal 2025 state budget, MAC’s Podcast 83 team noted in a new episode.

However, new dollars for revenue sharing, juvenile justice and health care for some jail inmates still have to get through the legislative budget process, never a sure thing said team members.

Whitmer calls for $281.2 million for county revenue sharing, with increases set in a mix of unrestricted and restricted formats. If approved, this amount would represent a $26 million boost from the FY24 baseline amount.

Governmental Affairs Director Deena Bosworth cautioned that this amount is the starting point of budget talks. “We have to watch it through the entire process very, very closely,” she said.

The governor’s plan also did not reference the creation of a dedicated and secured Revenue Sharing Trust Fund, a MAC priority for 2024, but Bosworth said the progress made last year in the Legislature on that issue is a good sign for eventual passage.

“We’re starting to see some decent sized growth right now,” Bosworth said. “But we went back and looked at where county revenue sharing was in 2001. It was $228 million. This year, the recommendation, including the one-time funds as $281 million. If we just kept up with inflation (from 2001), we would be over $400 million for counties across the state.”

On the juvenile front, Samantha Gibson said, “We’ve discussed at length, especially on this podcast, the juvenile justice bed shortage crisis. In (this budget), we do see some significant funding suggestions to go towards resolving that bed shortage. There’s $38 million to kind of reconfigure how the (state) contracts with child caring institutions.”

Whitmer’s plans in the criminal justice sphere include a $30.5 million allotment to cover health services for jail inmates slated for release who would otherwise be eligible for federal Medicaid coverage. This amount would be in service of a state effort to get a so-called Section 1115 Re-entry Waiver from the federal government to relieve counties of health care costs they now bear due to the Medicaid Inmate Exclusion Policy.

Reform of that policy is a MAC priority for 2024, Gibson noted.

MAC was also pleased to see a $15 million allotment for stormwater improvements, said Madeline Fata.

Whitmer also seeks a 1,289 percent increase in the tipping fees to place waste in landfills, moving it from 36 cents to $5 per ton. “Gov. (Rick) Snyder recommended something similar back in 2018,” Fata said, “and he wasn’t able to get it across the finish line. With that increase, it would bring us up to par with other Midwestern states, as Michigan is currently the lowest with tipping fees.

“It would then deter out-of-state dumping, which is a problem that Michigan faces,” Fata added. “MAC does support mechanisms to deter out-of-state waste. Ultimately (the proposed increase) would generate about $80 million annually.”

For more coverage of the FY25 budget plan, see MAC’s Legislative Update from Feb. 9.

View the full video of the episode, recorded on Feb. 8, by clicking here.

Previous episodes can be seen at MAC’s YouTube Channel.

And you always can find details about Podcast 83 on the MAC website.

2023 PPT Reimbursement Correction Process

The Michigan Department of Treasury (Treasury) reminds municipalities that, although not required, they can correct errors in the 2023 Personal Property Tax (PPT) reimbursements distributed in October 2023 and February 2024.

The Local Community Stabilization Authority (LCSA) Act provides municipalities an opportunity to review the PPT reimbursement calculations and data used in the calculations to ensure accurate PPT reimbursement distributions. To determine if an error has occurred in the PPT reimbursement calculations or data used, the municipality must review the applicable reports on Treasury’s 2023 Personal Property Tax (PPT) Reimbursements website.

Links to the 2023 PPT reimbursement calculations and most common data used:

  1. School District & ISD – 2023 PPT Calculation by Millage – October 2023 and February 2024
  2. Other Municipalities – 2023 PPT Calculation by Millage – October 2023 and February 2024
  3. 2013 and 2023 Personal Property Taxable Values Reported in Calendar Year 2023
  4. 2013 and 2023 Personal Property Taxable Values of Renaissance Zones

When NO Errors Are Identified:

If a municipality does not identify an error, the municipality does not need to file a form or take any further action to notify Treasury. 

When Errors ARE Identified:

If a municipality does identify an error, the municipality will need to complete the appropriate correction form to notify Treasury of the error(s). In addition to the correction form(s), municipalities must provide substantiating documentation to support a correction. The correction forms (along with the associated deadlines) are available on Treasury’s Forms for Calculation of PPT Reimbursements website.

  1. Form 5651 – Correction of 2023 Personal Property Taxable Values Used for the 2023 Personal Property Tax Reimbursement Calculations
    1. Municipality submission deadline to County Equalization Director: February 28, 2024
    2. County Equalization Director submission deadline to Treasury: March 31, 2024
    3. Note: Per the LCSA Act, only the 2023 personal property taxable values may be corrected. The 2023 personal property taxable values must be the taxable value on May 10, 2023.
  2. Form 5654Correction of School Millage Rates or Other Errors for the 2023 Personal Property Tax Reimbursement Calculations
    1. Municipality submission deadline to Treasury: March 31, 2024
    2. Note: Only debt and hold harmless millage rates for school districts may be corrected at this time. The LCSA Act does not allow any other millage rate errors to be corrected after August 1, 2023.  
  1. Form 5658 – Modification of the 2013, 2014, and 2015 Personal Property Taxable Values Used for the 2023 Personal Property Tax Reimbursement Calculations
    1. Municipality submission deadline to Treasury: March 31, 2024
    2. Note: Per the LCSA Act, the 2013, 2014, and 2015 personal property taxable values may only be modified because of a personal property reclassification or municipal boundary change.

The corrections reported on Form 5651, Form 5654, and Form 5658 will be used in the calculation of the May 2024 distribution of the 2023 PPT reimbursements.

Please direct any questions regarding the PPT reimbursement correction process to TreasORTAPPT@michigan.gov or 517-335-7484.

Webinar will review resources of new grants hub

Amid the unprecedented number of funding opportunities for local governments, there’s a critical need for communities to effectively track, plan and apply for grants. For many, navigating this process exceeds their capacity.

Enter MI Funding Hub: Your one-stop shop for finding and receiving support on grants.

Through support from the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, MI Funding Hub will provide communities with resources to capitalize on state and federal funding opportunities. Launching this spring, the hub will include an online grant-tracking tool as well as technical assistance for communities to identify, plan, and apply for grants.

Join for an explanatory webinar on Feb. 29 at 10 a.m. to:

  • Learn more about MI Funding Hub and meet the partners behind this initiative 
  • Explore how you can take advantage of these resources 
  • Weigh in on what grant resources would help your community the most

Click here to register.

MAC sets federal legislative priorities in 2024

In advance of next week’s National Association of Counties gathering in Washington, D.C., MAC has finalized its legislative priorities for 2024 on Capitol Hill. (Click here for downloadable PDF of the list.)

“Proper funding for PILT, of course, is a perennial agenda item for MAC, as Michigan has the second-largest amount of untaxable land of the states east of the Mississippi River,” said Deena Bosworth, director of governmental affairs. “And we will be pushing hard, along with NACo, for Congress to reform the Medicaid Exclusion Policy that leaves county taxpayers footing the bill for health services for jail inmates who have not received adjudication.”

Full Funding for Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Program

  • MAC and NACo support restoring full mandatory funding for the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program, which compensates counties for untaxable federal land.
  • The Permanently Authorizing PILT Act (H.R. 3043) would permanently authorize the PILT program.
  • R. 3043 would add boilerplate to U.S. code to permanently and automatically fund PILT.
  • The PILT Reauthorization Act (S. 2480) would authorize federal PILT for 10 years.

Reasonable Health Care Cost-sharing for County Jail Inmates

  • Access to federal health benefits for non-convicted individuals would allow for improved coordination of care and decrease short-term costs to local taxpayers and long-term costs to the federal government.
  • Providing access to federal health benefits for those awaiting trial and verdict decisions would help counties break the cycle of recidivism caused or exacerbated by untreated mental illness and/or substance use disorders, thereby improving public safety.
  • While federal legislation to address necessary reforms to the Medicaid Inmate Exclusion Policy (MIEP) is under way, MAC supports requiring the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to apply for a Medicaid Section 1115 re-entry waiver to reinstate Medicaid benefits for incarcerated individuals prior to release from county jails.

Renewal of the Affordable Connectivity Program

  • The Affordable Connectivity Program launched in 2022, which offers discounted broadband service to low-income households, is set to expire in April 2024.
  • More than 20 million eligible households have enrolled. Broadband is essential for accessing health care, education, and employment.
  • MAC and NACo urge Congress to extend funding for the program so low-income households can continue accessing the internet at a reduced rate.

For questions on MAC’s federal advocacy efforts, visit our advocacy center or contact Deena Bosworth at bosworth@micounties.org.


Tweaked House maps won’t shift state partisan landscape, expert says

Changes to Michigan House lines mandated by a federal court will result in more compact districts in the city of Detroit, but they will not fundamentally alter the current partisan balance of the House of Representatives, an elections expert said in the latest episode of Podcast 83.

Matt Grossman, director of the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research at Michigan State University, discussed with host Stephan Currie the ongoing map work by the Michigan Independent Redistricting Commission. “(F)ederal courts struck down several districts in the Detroit area in the state House … for violating the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment by predominantly using race as a reason to draw those districts,” Grossman explained. “So now the commission has been asked to go back and redraw those districts and anything else that is reasonably necessary surrounding those districts to get new house maps for use in the elections this year.

Grossman expects the new lines to result in fewer districts reaching out from Detroit “across Eight Mile Road” and the changes to be confined to the city of Detroit and its inner-ring suburbs.

What won’t really come into play with the changes, Grossman said, is the knife’s-edge partisan balance of the Michigan House, which shifted to a 56-54 Democratic majority after the 2022 elections that used the commission’s original maps.

“The new maps led to the statewide winner of more votes, which was the Democratic Party in the last election, getting a majority in the Legislature to match that statewide majority. … We don’t expect this redrawing to affect that. … We’re talking about — at the most — a half a district difference in partisan composition between the maps that are done now and the maps that will be done after this. … There’s a belief that Detroit was divided up in order to achieve that statewide partisan fairness; that’s not really true,” Grossman said.

View the full video of the episode, recorded on Jan. 30, by clicking here.

Previous episodes can be seen at MAC’s YouTube Channel.

And you always can find details about Podcast 83 on the MAC website.


State to get nearly $12 million in latest opioid settlement

The state of Michigan is expected to receive an additional $11.7 million from a national settlement with Publicis Health, a global marketing and communications firm. Funds from this settlement will only be directed to the state government and do not include a requirement to distribute funds to the community.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced the settlement Thursday with Publicis Health to resolve investigations into the global marketing and communications firm’s role in the prescription opioid crisis.

“The filings in the Wayne County Circuit Court describe how Publicis’ work contributed to the crisis by helping Purdue Pharma and other opioid manufacturers market and sell opioids,” the Attorney General’s Office stated. “Court documents detail how Publicis acted as Purdue’s agency of record for all its branded opioid drugs, including OxyContin, even developing sales tactics that relied on farming data from recordings of personal health-related in-office conversations between patients and providers. The company was also instrumental in Purdue’s decision to market OxyContin to providers in patient’s electronic health records.  

“According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, between the years 2000 and 2020, the opioid death rate in Michigan increased on average 13.9 percent each year. These deaths — and the impacts on thousands who have struggled with opioid addiction — have created considerable costs for our health care, child welfare and criminal justice systems.”

For more information on MAC’s opioid settlement advisory work, contact Amy Dolinky at dolinky@micounties.org.


MDOT will pay you $10 for your views about infrastructure

The Michigan Department of Transportation is studying possible changes to how our transportation infrastructure is funded. “As we move toward a low-emission future with electric vehicles and new types of fuels, we need to explore fairer, more sustainable ways to continue to fund and maintain our roads, bridges and public transit systems,” the department says. “This study explores road usage charges, which means that instead of paying state fuel taxes, you would pay a few cents for each mile you drive. To learn more about road usage charges, complete the survey, which includes an informative video.”

The study is currently seeking input from the public. “We want to hear from you regarding the fairest ways to pay for our transportation system. Michigan residents aged 18+ who complete the survey will receive a $10 gift card to thank you for your time.”

Terms and conditions apply. Read the full terms and conditions.


Counties: Importance of local governments missing from governor’s speech

A vital tune was noticeably missing from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s State of the State “playlist” on Wednesday night: the importance and needs of local governments and the services they provide to Michigan.

That was the assessment of MAC leaders following the governor’s concert-style speech in Lansing on Jan. 24, her sixth assessment of the state’s progress since taking office.

While Stephan Currie, executive director of MAC, praised Whitmer’s comments on the need to build on the state’s economic momentum, he said counties were disappointed at what was not said.

“The governor spoke about bringing people to Michigan, yet she said nothing about the communities they will live in and the quality of life that counties provide,” Currie said. “The strength and attractiveness of Michigan are built upon our assets, our outdoors, our quality of life and our community spirit.

“From traditional responsibilities such as infrastructure and public safety, to newer challenges such as housing availability, public services are essential to thriving communities,” Currie added. “The governor noted how the four largest counties — Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Kent — supercharged the permitting process to get moving on thousands of new housing units. That’s just one example of how counties are the ‘governments on the ground’ bringing positive change. Now the challenge is to ensure those governments have the support and resources to maintain the momentum.”

In support of that momentum, MAC’s 2024 legislative priorities focus on:

  • A secure source of revenue sharing from the state to counties, thereby fulfilling a promise made by state leaders some 60 years ago;
  • Legislative action to ensure our local trial courts and juvenile services have the resources to fulfill their role in protecting the public;
  • Proper reimbursement for losses incurred by local governments due to tax cuts adopted by state leaders; and
  • Addressing a rapidly changing transportation grid by reforming fuel taxes.

“After many years of economic struggle and limited state support, Michigan counties are on a roll,” Currie said. “But to continue this progress, we must now use the moment to address longstanding needs for public services.”

For questions on MAC’s 2024 legislative priorities, contact Deena Bosworth at bosworth@micounties.org.


Podcast 83 team did not rock out to Whitmer’s SOS ‘concert’

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s ’80s-style concert of a State of the State address did not impress, said members of MAC’s Podcast 83 team in their latest episode.

“There was no recognition (in the speech) of the contribution that locals have toward making Michigan a great place,” said Deena Bosworth.

“Well, and it’s not flashy, right?” noted Steve Currie. “What counties do isn’t the flashy stuff; we do the stuff people don’t always think about. So, it’s not always going to be talked about as quickly as some other areas of government that are more flashy economic development. You know those sorts of things, but still important.”

Other parts of the governor’s comments drew a more positive response.

“(The governor) wants to put some money towards affordable housing as well,” Currie said. “We’ve talked in our committees internally, and even at our conference level we’ve had presentations on housing. So, it’s something we’ve long supported is getting affordable housing. It’s an issue everywhere from Wayne County up into the UP.”

“We haven’t seen a full fiscal impact on what the $5,000 care-giver tax credit would be and what exactly the eligibility requirements are. But I will say the Population Growth Council provided data that suggested the portion of our aging population is drastically increasing,” noted Samantha Gibson. “The 65 and up population in Michigan is a pretty staggering portion of our entire population, and we’re already seeing shortages (in care workers).”

View the full video of the episode, recorded on Jan. 25, by clicking here

Previous episodes can be seen at MAC’s YouTube Channel.

And you always can find details about Podcast 83 on the MAC website.


Learn about Materials Management Plans at Feb. 13-14 conference

Major changes in state law on handling solid waste, adopted in December 2022, will be the focus of the Virtual Michigan Materials Management Conference on Feb. 13-14.

The event will focus on the law changes and will provide regional, county, and municipal planners; landfill, compost, and recycling facility operators; and consultants alike with valuable information and tools to foster compliance, advance a circular economy, reduce our carbon footprint and address climate change.

The conference gives those and others the opportunity to learn about what the law changes mean and how they benefit everyone across Michigan. Check out the conference’s agenda and the list of speakers.

How to participate

This virtual Michigan Materials Management Conference will use an online platform called Whova to facilitate networking opportunities and information sharing. Participants will access the conference sessions through the Whova Web App. Don’t worry if you can’t attend all sessions. Recordings of all sessions will be posted in Whova and be available to everyone who registers for the event.

Register today to take part in the conference and network directly with EGLE staff and professionals from around the state. The conference provides up to 8 Continuing Education/Professional Development hours and the cost is only $20.

Click here to begin your registration process.


Webinar series focuses on running better meetings

A new webinar series focused on principles and practices of local government meetings will launch in March, MSU Extension has announced.

The Governing Essentials Series is designed for local elected and appointed officials looking to sharpen their skills and promote good governance practices. The webinars can be taken individually or as a three-part series.

This series qualifies for MAC’s County Commissioner Academy. Commissioners can earn two “credits” for the academy by completing all three parts of the series:

  • Open Meetings Act: The Michigan Open Meetings Act (OMA) furthers government transparency by requiring elected and appointed boards to provide notice and make decisions in an open public meeting. Participants will learn the requirements of the Act as well as answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure: Parliamentary procedure based on Robert’s Rules of Order is the most widely used parliamentary authority. This session will focus on parliamentary principles, motions and debate and decorum during meetings. Participants will explore scenarios and practice skills.
  • Components of Extraordinary Governance: This session draws the best ideas together for a thorough overview of board governance. Better board governance, leading to more effective organizations, can improve our communities. That’s a goal we can all share!

All sessions will be delivered via Zoom. All webinars will be recorded and sent to registrants. Cost: $20 per session, $50 for the 3-course series. The webinars can be taken individually or as a three-part series. For the $50 series rate, applicants must register for either the spring, summer or winter series.

To learn more or register, click here.

For questions, contact MSUE’s Eric Walcott at walcott3@msu.edu.


Treasury seeks feedback on Uniform Budget Manual

The Michigan Department of Treasury’s Local Audit and Finance Division is soliciting feedback on January 2024 revisions to the Uniform Budget Manual, which was originally issued in August 2001.

The Exposure Draft for the revised Uniform Budget Manual assists local units of government in applying legal requirements and establishing a sound budgeting process. Recommended practices that would enhance the budgeting process are also included.

Any individual or organization that would like to submit comments should provide those comments in writing by Feb. 23, 2024.

Comments may be submitted by email to LAFD_Audits@michigan.gov with the subject line entitled “Exposure Draft – Budget Manual.”

Alternatively, responses may also be submitted via U.S Postal Service to:

Michigan Department of Treasury
Local Audit and Finance Division
PO Box 30728
Lansing, MI 48909-8228

If you have any questions, call 517-335-7469.


Staff picks

Podcast team reviews MAC policy priorities for 2024

A long-sought policy to create a secure source of county revenue sharing dollars and changes in juvenile justice and court policies are discussed in the latest episode of Podcast 83, MAC’s podcast on all matters county-related in Michigan.

Host Stephan Currie led the Podcast 83 team of Deena Bosworth, Madeline Fata and Samantha Gibson through a review of MAC’s 2024 legislative priorities in Lansing.

Topping the list, said Bosworth, is the creation of a Revenue Sharing Trust Fund to hold dedicated state dollars to share with local governments.

“It might still be a little bit of an uphill battle because it does carve out a portion of the state sales tax and cuts into the unrestricted funds the Legislature uses … Hopefully we get some movement on it this spring,” she explained.

Bosworth also reviewed the legislative state of play on reimbursements for losses due to a property tax exemption for disabled veterans, while Gibson discussed the need to reset a legislative “sunset” on the authority of local trial courts to levy fees on defendants and Fata described the numerous challenges to infrastructure funding.

View the full video of the episode, recorded on Jan. 16, by clicking here.

Previous episodes can be seen at MAC’s YouTube Channel.

And you always can find details about Podcast 83 on the MAC website.


MAC releases new tool to aid counties on opioid settlement investments

MAC has released a new tool to assist members with investing opioid settlement dollars to maximize public health gains.

The Michigan Opioid Settlement Funds: Steering Committee Development and Tips for Processing Requests for Funds guidance document came out on Jan. 4. This tool is intended to assist counties with the creation of steering committees to guide planning efforts around opioid settlement funds and review committees associated with funding requests. Attention is paid to who should be involved in the process, which practices should be formalized for purposes of clarity and sustainability, as well as where to consider conflicts of interest. The document also highlights no-cost technical assistance resources available to counties. Guidance around the topics of planning and review committees focuses on the crucial aspects of providing a fair and transparent processes for utilization of settlement funds.

The document is housed alongside other guidance documents and tools in the Templates section of the Michigan Association of Counties Opioid Settlement Resource Center.

For more information, contact MAC’s opioid settlement technical adviser, Amy Dolinky, at dolinky@micounties.org.


Webinar on Feb. 6 to explain federal program helpful to EMS entities

On Feb. 6, a webinar will brief local leaders on a federal program that could assist local emergency responders.

The Federal Ground Emergency Medical Transportation (GEMT) Program is overseen by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). GEMT provides funding and support to eligible health care providers through state agencies, aiming to ensure individuals without reliable transportation can access emergency medical care. This program improves access to emergency services for Medicaid beneficiaries, bridging the gap between patients and health care facilities and facilitating timely care during emergencies.

To register for the webinar, which starts at 12:30 p.m. (Eastern), click here.

While Michigan doesn’t currently participate in the program, our state has the eighth-highest number of Medicaid enrollees in the nation. Local emergency services and ambulance providers are not fully reimbursed by Medicaid to cover the costs of medical transportation for this significant segment of our communities. The GEMT initiative in Michigan seeks to address health disparities, promote health equity and reimburse local agencies and emergency services providers for serving vulnerable populations.

County agencies that may benefit from this program include:

  • Central Huron Ambulance Service Association
  • Alcona County EMS
  • Alger County Ambulance Service
  • Benzie County EMS
  • Clinton Area Ambulance Service Authority
  • Eastern Huron Ambulance Service
  • Emmet County Emergency Medical Services
  • Grand Traverse Metro Emergency Services Authority
  • Gratiot Emergency Services Authority
  • Iosco County EMS
  • Lapeer County EMS
  • Livingston County EMS
  • Missaukee County EMS
  • North Oakland County Fire Authority
  • North Ottawa EMS
  • Northeast Ingham Emergency Services Authority
  • Northern Bay Ambulance
  • Northwest Wexford Emergency Authority
  • Office of Genesee County Sheriff – Paramedic Division
  • Ogemaw County EMS Authority
  • Osceola County EMS
  • Oscoda County EMS
  • Otsego County Ambulance Corps
  • Southwest Shiawassee Emergency Alliance

For more information on MAC’s work on health issues, contact Samantha Gibson at gibson@micounties.org.


Apply now for NACo’s Juvenile Justice Innovation Network

NACo’s County Juvenile Justice Innovation Network (CJJIN) aims to increase the practical understanding and capacity of counties to address the needs of youth involved in their local juvenile justice systems. NACo will facilitate a network that will learn about best practices and evidence-based resources to inform a strategic action plan that invests in the well-being and future of the youth within their community.

Counties selected for the network will have the opportunity to be featured in case studies highlighting innovation and lessons learned, a series of briefs on best practices and implementation and a webinar series. All resources related to CJJIN will be part of the forthcoming CJJIN Resource Hub and will be updated on this page

CJJIN is a nine-month opportunity for county teams to engage both virtually and in-person to share challenges and successes, learn from national and local experts, exchange ideas with other counties to achieve program and policy change that empowers and improves youth outcomes.

CJJIN will support a community of practice for up to five counties to identify challenges, strategies and an action plan to better support youth by strengthening county juvenile justice systems. Counties participating in the network will identify a core team of up to four champions working across youth-serving systems to join in-person CJJIN activities but are encouraged to invite additional stakeholders that can support the implementation of their strategic action plan. 

Applications to join the inaugural cohort will close on Feb. 2 at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern) and can be downloaded here. Applicants will also submit the Team Composition Form, which can be accessed here

Please send completed applications and questions to Meg Siwek, program manager for justice, at msiwek@naco.org.


Start the new year off with leadership development!

MAC congratulates the September 2023 NACo Leadership Academy graduates from Michigan. They join more than 10,000 graduates and current participants from across the country benefitting from the 12-week online program enabling existing and emerging county leaders to achieve their highest potential:

  • Joe Porterfield, county administrator, Wexford County

Counties can celebrate the 10th anniversary of the High Performance Leadership Academy by utilizing a special deal: each county can enroll 10 leaders for $15,000 in 2024. The next cohort starts on April 22.

Click here to enroll and learn more.


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