MAC continues to gather answers, devise strategies on ARP spending
With the release of a new U.S. Treasury FAQ sheet and aggregated language on interim spending rules, Michigan counties now have substantial guidance on how they can use the $1.9 billion in direct investments via the American Rescue Plan.
Meanwhile, MAC is working with state and local officials on a strategy to help magnify the impact of the billions of dollars coming to all levels of government in our state.
Among key elements in the new Treasury FAQ are:
- Costs of consultants: Recovery Funds CAN be used to cover the costs of consultants to assist with managing and administering the funds.
- Public jobs programs: Recovery Funds CAN be used to establish public jobs programs (I.e. subsidized employment, combined education an on-the-job training, job training to accelerate rehiring or address negative economic impacts, childcare assistance or assistance with transportation to and from a jobsite or interview).
- Revenue loss and audited financial data: If a county does not have audited data readily available when calculating its revenue loss, it is not required to obtain audited data.
- Revenue loss and Census data: When calculating general revenue, counties should use their own data sources and do NOT need to rely on published revenue data from the Census Bureau.
- Revenue loss on cash basis/accrual basis: When determining revenue loss, counties may provide data on a cash, accrual or modified accrual basis, so long as the county is consistent in their choice of methodology throughout the covered period and until reporting is no longer required.
For more context and guidance, counties also can consult documents created by MAC and by NACo that highlight critical issues and concepts.
And MAC continues to work on a plan to earmark close to $4 billion in state ARP funds as matching funds to enhance local efforts. For this plan, the Whitmer administration and legislative leaders have asked for ideas that:
- will be transformational in nature;
- do not create new programs; and
- strategically invest the one-time dollars in areas of greatest need for improvement.
MAC has been having multiple conversations each week with the administration, legislative leaders, business and community leaders and other stakeholders on this idea. Our hope is to create a groundswell of support that bridges the political gap in Lansing and truly provides the resources and value needed for strategic investments in Michigan. As part of that effort, MAC has created a resolution template that counties can use to express support for the matching funds concept.
For questions on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at
Registration is now open for MAC’s 2021 Regional Summits
Commissioners and other county leaders can learn tips on how to utilize American Rescue Plans and be briefed on the affordable housing crisis and its effects on counties during MAC’s 2021 Regional Summits in late July.
In light of COVID-19, some changes have been made to the event. All food and beverage will be boxed/packaged, for example. And networking time will be minimized.
As usual, however, MAC will offer the summits at four sites across Michigan:
- July 19 – Grand Rapids
- July 22 – Frankenmuth
- July 26 – Escanaba
- July 29 – Gaylord
Start your registration process by visiting the events page at our website.
“Our summits are designed to provide the most important, most practical information for commissioners and other county leaders in the shortest possible amount of time,” explained Stephan Currie, MAC’s executive director. “This design is in deference to commissioners’ busy schedule and also, this year, to the realities imposed by COVID-19.”
Topics to be covered at all four sessions include:
- Using American Rescue Plan funds effectively
- Worker safety at the office and at home during COVID
- Why your county should be thinking about affordable housing
- The benefits of partnering with Michigan’s community foundations
The summit will run from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; a light breakfast and lunch will be included for the $35 fee.
MAC seeks volunteers for new Juvenile Justice Task Force
MAC will be nominating two county commissioners to a new Task Force on Juvenile Justice Reform created by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer this week.
In announcing the new panel, Whitmer’s office explained the task force as “a partnership between the county and state leaders, as well as other leaders involved in the juvenile justice system. Additionally, the Task Force’s goal will be to develop an ambitious, innovative, and thorough analysis of Michigan’s juvenile justice system, complete with recommendations for changes in state law, policy and appropriations to improve youth outcomes.”
Alongside the governor for the announcement was Lt. Gov Garlin Gilchrist, who will chair the group. The task force will include members from the judicial and legislative branches. Sen. Sylvia Santana (D-Wayne) and Rep. Sarah Lightner (R-Jackson) also made comments during the announcement event.
Under the order, MAC will nominate two county commissioners, or their designee, to serve among appointees from other organizations representing countywide elected officials.
If a county commissioner wishes to serve or has a designee that would be a good fit, please let MAC know immediately by emailing The deadline to submit names is June 18.
In other juvenile justice news, bills to eliminate the ability for courts to access and collect costs associated with juvenile justice services were introduced:
- House Bill 4987, by Rep Kara Hope (D-Ingham), would prohibit any court ordered fee or costs associated with consent calendar services. It removes the ability for any reasonable reimbursement, which under current law requires the court to take into account the juvenile’s income and resources, to be assessed for services under the consent calendar.
- HB 4988, by Rep. Bronna Kahle (R-Lenawee), would prohibit reimbursement for diversion services.
- HB 4989, by Rep. Sarah Lightner (R-Jackson), eliminates the assessment on a DNA sample for juveniles, in which revenues from assessments help support the jail reimbursement program fund and the court equity fund.
- HB 4990, by Rep. Joe Tate (D-Wayne), prohibits any reimbursement by the “juvenile or those responsible for the juvenile’s support” for cost of care outside of the juvenile’s home.
- HB 4991, by Rep. Julie Calley (R-Ionia), eliminates any late fees for juveniles.
MAC opposes all these bills in their current forms.
For more information on this issue, contact Meghann Keit-Corrion at
Housing package advances as MAC continues to express concern
Bipartisan legislation backed by the Michigan Housing Coalition passed unanimously, without MAC-requested changes, out of Senate Economic and Small Business Development Committee this week, chaired by Sen. Ken Horn (R-Saginaw). The bill package now moves to the Senate floor.
Senate Bills 360–361, by Sen. Roger Victory (R-Ottawa), allow employers to claim an income tax credit equal to 50 percent of the total eligible contributions made during the tax year. Eligible contributions would include supporting a local impact housing trust fund or offering employees the option to participate in a qualified employer-assisted housing project that assists employees in securing affordable housing near the workplace.
SB 362, by Sen. Winnie Brinks (D-Kent), would allow a qualified local governmental unit, by resolution of its legislative body, to establish one or more “attainable housing districts.” Within 28 days of receiving a copy of the resolution establishing a district, the county could reject the establishment of the district by written notification to the qualified local governmental unit.
SB 422, by Sen. Horn, creates the “Residential Facilities Exemption” and would allow a temporary tax abatement on qualified new housing development in districts established by local units of government. Within 28 days of receiving a copy of the resolution, a county could reject the establishment of the district.
MAC supports those four bills.
However, MAC did not support two other bills in the package and is working to ensure counties are included in the process of making property tax exemption decisions and community development decisions under SBs 364, by Sen. Jeremy Moss (D-Oakland),and 432, by Sen. Wayne Schmidt (R-Grand Traverse). SB 364 would expand the area in which a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone could be developed. The committee passed version was amended to ensure the expanded NEZ area in a community is adjacent to existing development and a contains 5 or more existing residentials units per acre at the time of designation.
However, there is still no county oversight or involvement during the process under the bill at this point.
SB 432 allows local governments the ability to develop payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) policies and enter into PILOT agreements with developers who are building or rehabbing affordable housing units. Again, there is currently no county oversight or involvement during the process which would affect property taxes supporting important county programs for growing populations. .
Please refer to MAC’s May 21 update for further information and our written testimony to the chair, committee members and bill sponsors.
For more information on this issue, contact Meghann Keit-Corrion at
Podcast 83 will resume live episodes on June 21
MAC’s Podcast 83 team continued to field questions about American Rescue Plan funds and the state budget during their most recent live episode on June 7.
To see the video of the episode, click here.
The Podcast 83 team will take a break on Monday, June 14 and reconvene on the web on Monday, June 21 to discuss legislative action in Lansing and Washington, D.C.
Links to past episodes can be found on the podcast webpage, while every 2021 video episode is now available on MAC’s YouTube channel.
Keep up the emails, resolutions on 4-year terms
After gaining broad support and bipartisan passage in the Michigan Senate last week, legislation to adopt four-year terms for county commissioners awaits initial action in the House of Representatives.
Senate Bills 242, by Sen. Ed McBroom (R-Dickinson), and SB 245, by Sen. Jeremy Moss (D-Oakland), would bring four-year terms for county commissioners to Michigan in the 2024 presidential election cycle.
The bills will be referred to the House Committee on Local Government and Municipal Finance on Tuesday.
MAC continues to encourage commissioners to add their voices to the four-year term effort. As of Friday morning, 79 county leaders had responded. Please add your voice to this effort today by clicking here.
MAC also requests that counties adopt official resolutions of support for the legislation. To download a template for this purpose, click here. If you pass such a resolution, please send a copy to Hannah Sweeney at
As of Thursday, 27 counties had advised MAC of passage of such resolutions: Allegan, Alpena, Bay, Cheboygan, Clinton, Crawford, Dickinson, Emmet, Genesee, Houghton, Huron, Ionia, Isabella, Lenawee, Macomb, Manistee, Marquette, Mecosta, Newaygo, Oceana, Ogemaw, Ontonagon, Oscoda, Sanilac, Van Buren, Washtenaw and Wexford.
For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at
Survey in field for indigent defense services
In accordance with the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission (MIDC) Act, the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission (MIDC) must submit a report to the governor and Legislature that includes a recommendation regarding the appropriate level of local share.
The MIDC has asked Public Sector Consultants (PSC), a nonpartisan public policy firm, to conduct an evaluation to assist with the MIDC’s recommendation to the Legislature. PSC has developed a survey to gain broad feedback on topics raised during stakeholder interviews and preliminary data collection.
The MIDC is seeking feedback from stakeholders like counties to incorporate ideas and policy recommendations into the MIDC’s report. Please respond to this local share evaluation survey by June 15.
Questions related to the survey can be routed to Erin Lammers at
Next Michigan Treasury webinar set for June 17
The next webinar in a series co-sponsored by MAC on local finance issues will run from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on June 17.
The 13th event in the “Updates and Resources for Local Governments” webinar series, co-sponsored by MAC, the Michigan Municipal League, the Michigan Townships Association and the Michigan Department of Treasury, will cover:
- Updates on the American Rescue Plan Act, including eligible uses and receipting
- Strategically utilizing funds
Participants can register and submit questions on the webinar’s registration page.
Additionally, the Michigan Department of Treasury has developed a webpage with numbered letters, memorandums, webinars, and resources regarding COVID-19 updates for local governments and school districts. This webpage was created to ensure that Michigan communities have access to the most up-to-date guidance and is updated frequently with information and resources as they become available.
Redistricting Commission updates meeting schedule
The Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (MICRC) has made some schedule changes to its ongoing series of public hearings for its work to redraw political lines for the 2022 elections.
Please note, the Independent Redistricting Commission will draw district lines for state legislative and federal congressional districts. The lines for county commissioner districts are handled by county Apportionment Boards. For details on the apportionment process, click here or view a recording of a 2021 Legislative Conference workshop on the process.
Tuesday, June 15
Start Time: 5 p.m. (doors open at 4 p.m.)
Follow link to sign-up or RSVP (virtual or in-person)
Thursday, June 17
Start Time: 5 p.m. (doors open at 4 p.m.)
Follow link to sign-up or RSVP (virtual or in-person)
Tuesday, June 22
Start Time: 5 p.m. (doors open at 4 p.m.)
Follow link to sign-up or RSVP (virtual or in-person)
Thursday, June 24
Start Time: 5 p.m. (doors open at 4 p.m.)
Follow link to sign-up or RSVP (virtual or in-person)
Tuesday, June 29
Start Time: 5 p.m. (doors open at 4 p.m.)
Follow link to sign-up or RSVP (virtual or in-person)
Thursday, July 1
Start Time: 5 p.m. (doors open at 4 p.m.)
Follow link to Sign-up or RSVP (virtual or in-person)
State using webinars to report on health technology
Over the previous 12 months, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and CedarBridge Group (CBG) have been conducting an environmental scan of the health information technology infrastructure within Michigan. The draft environmental scan findings and recommendations have been presented to MDHHS and the Health I.T. Commission. The time has come to present those findings and recommendations, and collect feedback from all of you, the health information technology stakeholders who have made it all possible.
To begin the effort, MDHHS and CBG will be hosting three webinars starting at 1 p.m. EST. Each will be 60 minutes and begin with a brief presentation of findings and recommendations lasting about 20 minutes. The remaining time will be used for discussion, real-time polling and electronic Q&A. Registration for the webinars is not mandatory and all stakeholders are welcome to attend.
- June 16:
- June 24:
- June 29:
To pre-register, go to
For questions, contact CedarBridge Group at
Staff picks
- Ottawa County conducting internet access survey (Wood-TV)
- Allergy season is bad this year in Michigan. And it’s going to get worse. (Bridge Magazine)
- Tax limitations and the Michigan property taxpayer (Citizens Research Council of Michigan)
- Photos: China’s wandering elephants become international stars (WLNS-TV)
Huge Senate majority approves 4-year terms for commissioners
By a vote of 32-4, the Michigan Senate approved Senate Bills 242, by Sen. Ed McBroom (R-Dickinson), and SB 245, by Sen. Jeremy Moss (D-Oakland), which would bring four-year terms for county commissioners to Michigan in the 2024 presidential election cycle.
The roles of a county commissioner and the level of expertise necessary to oversee county government functions have increased substantially since the Legislature abolished the board of county supervisors in 1966 and created the county board of commissioners.
The bills will be referred to the House Committee on Local Government and Municipal Finance on Tuesday.
MAC continues to encourage commissioners to add their voices to the four-year term effort. As of Friday morning, 73 county leaders had responded. Please add your voice to this effort today by clicking here.
MAC also requests that counties adopt official resolutions of support for the legislation. To download a template for this purpose, click here. If you pass such a resolution, please send a copy to Hannah Sweeney at
As of Thursday, the following counties had advised MAC of passage of such resolutions: Allegan, Alpena, Bay, Cheboygan, Clinton, Crawford, Dickinson, Emmet, Genesee, Houghton, Huron, Ionia, Isabella, Lenawee, Manistee, Marquette, Mecosta, Newaygo, Oceana, Ogemaw, Ontonagon, Oscoda, Sanilac, Van Buren, Washtenaw and Wexford.
For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at
Senate panel votes to strip local control over sand, gravel operations
A package of bills aimed at usurping local control in favor of state siting and regulation of sand and gravel mining operations passed out of the Senate Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure this week. MAC joined a large group of other local government stakeholders in opposing the legislation.
Although sand and gravel are essential aggregate materials for road repair and construction, and the cost to transport it long distances only adds to the expense of our crumbing roads, removing local control over the siting, operation and transport of the materials is detrimental to the residents of those host communities. Senate Bills 429-431 eliminate all existing local control and instead shift complete oversight to state officials who are far removed from the people and areas most affected by the operations.
Local involvement and oversight in gravel mining operations are critical to ensure issues are addressed to the benefit of all concerned. The current system works — allowing local officials and operators to address concerns or questions regularly as they arise.
For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at
ARP funds arriving in county bank accounts; MAC working on collaboration plans
As more counties report the arrival of the first payment of American Rescue Plan (ARP) arriving in their accounts, MAC continues to advise all counties to hold off on committing the money for a bit longer if possible.
MAC has been working with the Michigan Municipal League to develop match program proposals for the state to consider. This comprehensive approach to amplify the impact of the ARP dollars will provide Michigan the opportunity for an unprecedented investment in water and broadband infrastructure, mental health services, capital improvements to facilities and jails, community and housing development and economic development. The proposal calls for $3.9 billion in state ARP funds as match money that the local governments can apply for to maximize their own ARP reserves.
MAC’s plan is to create a groundswell of support that bridges the political gap in Lansing and truly provides the resources and value needed for strategic investments in our state.
MAC does not anticipate these decisions to be made at the state level for several weeks yet, but we are hopeful that counties across the state can hold off on ARP fund allocation until the details of the match programs can be worked out.
For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at
Revisions to veteran grants program advance
MAC-supported House Bill 4122, by Rep. Annette Glenn (R-Midland), continued its advance to enactment this week after final, and unanimous, passage by the Senate.
In large part, the legislation would amend the distribution and expenditure of grants from the County Veteran Service Fund within the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs budget. Specifically, the bill requires funds to be disbursed 60 days after a grant agreement is signed by the county and permits an exemption to the 20 hours per week requirement so that counties that may coordinate services are not excluded from the grant.
The bill would allow grant funds to retroactively be expended for direct financial assistance for an emergent relief program and provides a limited reduction in the county maintenance of effort (MOE) requirement to support hard-pressed counties for fiscal years 2021 and ‘22 (counties are not able to reduce the funding and supplant the reduction).
It maintains the $50,000 base amount of funding, plus a per capita amount based on a county’s veteran population. While the FY22 state budget is not final, MAC anticipates the $4 million appropriation, as recommended by the House and Senate, will be included in the final budget agreement.
For more information on this issue, contact Meghann Keit-Corrion at
Podcast 83 resumes live sessions on Monday, June 7
MAC’s Podcast 83 team resumes its weekly live sessions on state and federal policy issues at 3 p.m. on Monday, June 7.
Among issues to be addressed are American Rescue Plan spending, four-year terms for county commissioners and MAC’s work on the FY22 state budget.
To register for the session, click here.
Links to past episodes can be found on the podcast webpage, while every 2021 video episode is now available on MAC’s YouTube channel.
State courts office issues memo on operational issues
The State Court Administrative Office recently released a memo on “The Path Forward” for Michigan courts, outlining lessons learned from COVID-19 technology response that will be here to stay. The state court administrator highlighted four factors that the courts are relying on to use technology to create more accessible courts: the roadmap, technology, leadership and public support
In fact, many of the administrative orders the (Supreme Court) adopted in the last year remain in full effect and prescribe the path forward. For example:
- Administrative Order No. 2020-19, which states that “[t]he technological tools courts used to ensure access during the closure should be maintained and indeed used more frequently to rebuild capacity,” and that “[c]ourts shall continue to expand the use of remote participation technology (video or telephone) as much as possible to reduce any backlog and to dispose of new cases efficiently and safely.”
- Administrative Order No. 2020-1 directs courts in civil cases to “maximize the use of technology to enable and/or require parties to participate remotely.”
- Administrative Order No. 2020-6 instructs that “all judges in Michigan are required to make a good faith effort to conduct proceedings remotely whenever possible.”
Additionally, the memo highlighted the latest Local Administrative Order: Plan to Return to Full Capacity – Phase Three Forward, which indicates “normal staffing will resume at worksites,” with additional guidance for more vulnerable employees.
For more information on this issue, contact Meghann Keit-Corrion at
Survey in field for indigent defense services
In accordance with the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission (MIDC) Act, the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission (MIDC) must submit a report to the governor and Legislature that includes a recommendation regarding the appropriate level of local share.
The MIDC has asked Public Sector Consultants (PSC), a nonpartisan public policy firm, to conduct an evaluation to assist with the MIDC’s recommendation to the Legislature. PSC has developed a survey to gain broad feedback on topics raised during stakeholder interviews and preliminary data collection.
The MIDC is seeking feedback from stakeholders like counties to incorporate ideas and policy recommendations into the MIDC’s report. Please respond to this local share evaluation survey by June 15.
Questions related to the survey can be routed to Erin Lammers at
Treasury releases millage data on PPT reimbursements
The Local Community Stabilization Authority Act (LCSA Act), 2014 Public Act 86 requires the Michigan Department of Treasury to calculate and make available each municipality’s calculated millage rate eligible for personal property tax (PPT) reimbursement.
The 2012-2020 Millage Rate Comparison reports are now available on Treasury’s PPT reimbursement website: These reports are intended to be used by municipalities to verify the eligible millage rates to be used in the 2021 PPT reimbursement calculations.
Municipalities should review the 2012-2020 Millage Rate Comparison reports for accuracy. If the millage rate data is correct, the municipality does not need to take any further action to notify Treasury.
If there are any errors in the millage rate data, the municipality is required by the LCSA Act to notify Treasury of the error no later than Aug. 1, 2021. The millage rate correction should be reported to Treasury on the Millage Rate Correction for the 2021 Personal Property Tax Reimbursement Calculations (Form 5613).
Redistricting Commission continues to offer presentations to local groups
The Michigan Citizen Redistricting Commission is still looking for opportunities and invitations from county governments, service clubs, annual meetings, ministerial alliances, fraternities, sororities, associations, etc., to explain the panel’s work in redrawing congressional and legislative district lines.
County leaders interested in such a presentation should contact Darci McConnell at McConnell Communications ( for events in Southeast Michigan or Maureen Saxton of Van Dyke ( for events outside Southeast Michigan.
Staff picks
By Stephan Currie, Executive Director, Michigan Association of Counties
The citizens now serving in the Michigan Legislature did not create the fiscal crisis that now grips our 83 counties and other local governments.
The crisis is so large, so complex, it took decades to create — decades of poor choices, often made with good, or at least not malicious, intentions.
Nevertheless, time after time, legislators eased their own financial challenges by deepening the hole that our 83 county governments are trapped in. Revenue-sharing cuts. Unfunded mandates. Restrictions on raising and using revenue. The encroachments are many, the effects enormous.
Today, we are urging them to take the first step to better fiscal health: Stop making it worse.
Four years ago, state leaders briefly noticed the problem around them and convened a task force to study the pension and retiree health care pressures squeezing local governments. I was proud to sit on that panel, which produced a series of limited but practical recommendations to ease the strain.
All the Legislature managed to do, unfortunately, was to require locals to generate more reports (i.e., more work for locals) for the state to look at.
And if you look at those reports, you will see an unsurprising fact: Counties are still squeezed. In fiscal 2019, for example, county governments had at least $3.5 billion in unfunded liabilities for retiree pensions and health care coverage.
And what has the Legislature been doing in the meantime? Not helping.
In 2013, it enacted an exemption on property taxes to help Michigan veterans — a laudable goal. But they did it without compensating local governments. That exemption has carved $1.7 billion in taxable value off local accounts.
In the last three legislative sessions, 2015-2020, legislators filed no fewer than 140 separate bills involving exemptions to the property tax, the central revenue source for Michigan counties.
Many of these bills were motivated by noble purposes (job creation) or targeted for worthy groups (disabled veterans, charitable groups), but what they all lacked was any recognition of, or response for, the resulting cuts to local resources and local services.
And consider, a recent analysis by the nonpartisan Lincoln Institute of Land Policy found that not only is Michigan “unique in the restrictiveness of the state’s property tax limits,” but “the property tax is particularly important for local governments’ fiscal health in Michigan because they have little access to other types of taxes to raise revenue.”
Our crisis only worsened in the aftermath of the Great Recession a decade ago. As the state’s economy and resources bounced back, Michigan’s local governments, trapped underneath two interlocking state restrictions on property taxes (Proposal A and the Headlee Amendment), saw their resources plunge and never really return.
It took 11 years for nominal property tax collections to recover to their 2008 level. Worse, adjusting for inflation, counties are now collecting almost $1 billion less than they did in 2008.
Then, of course, COVID hits.
Across the state, county leaders worked to ensure the continued delivery of public services while doing their best to protect the health of residents and county employees. The strains have been severe, but counties have met the challenge – so far.
But we’ve all seen what COVID has done to local economies, with empty storefronts and unutilized office buildings a common sight. Those images will, at some point, translate into lower property values and lower property taxes (used to pay for those local services and cover those local liabilities to public servants).
Despite this, some legislators are backing more ideas that will create more problems.
They are pointing to the historic investment to counties in the American Rescue Plan as proof the state can further reduce its commitment — even though the ARP funds cannot, by law, be used to address pension or retiree health care needs.
And they continue to file and tout property tax exemptions (10 bills so far in 2021).
With each of these special breaks, more of the burden for public services shifts to everyone else, the small businesses and households that constitute the majority of the state’s taxpayers.
So, until the Legislature can engage in a good-faith discussion on how to address the local government fiscal crisis, we have one simple request to lawmakers: Stop making it worse.
NOTE: This commentary originally appeared in Crain’s Detroit Business on May 23.
Counties can earn, keep interest on ARP funds, Treasury says during video call
Officials from the U.S. Treasury and the White House gave more context to the American Rescue Plan (ARP) spending rules during a brief video call on Tuesday.
Among the key questions addressed during the 30-minute session:
- Will U.S. Treasury provide “pre-clearance” of a county’s plans to spend its ARP direct investment funds?
There is no preclearance process for programs from Treasury. It will not give entities clearance on programs prior to launching them. It is up to the entity to determine if the program is allowed or not under the guidance provided by Treasury.
- Can you put your ARP direct investment funds in interest-bearing accounts? If so, what uses are allowed for the interest earned?
Yes, a county can put the funds in interest-bearing accounts. The county gets to keep the interest earned and can use it for broader purposes.
- Is there a deadline to apply for the ARP funds?
No, there is no deadline to apply. MAC encourages any county that has not applied through the portal to do so as soon as possible.
- At what level can counties report on payroll support for public safety employees?
The Interim Final Rule does allow for a general allowance for operating units and departments, not just at the individual employee level. It also allows a portion of the time, not necessarily 100 percent. It also notes that you do NOT necessarily need to track the timesheets. But you will need to justify the time estimates. Read page 13 of the new NACo analysis on this specific issue.
- Can recipients use funds for administrative purposes?
Recipients may use funds to cover the portion of payroll and benefits of employees corresponding to time spent on administrative work necessary due to the COVID–19 public health emergency and its negative economic impacts. This includes, but is not limited to, costs related to disbursing payments of Fiscal Recovery Funds and managing new grant programs established using Fiscal Recovery Funds. (Page 15 of the FAQ sheet.)
At mid-week, MAC received an answer to the question of the time period for cost recovery:
“Counties may use Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to cover costs incurred during the period beginning March 3, 2021, and ending Dec. 31, 2024, with funds expended on such obligations by Dec. 31, 2026. The funds also clarify that premium pay may be provided retroactively for work performed at any time since the start of the COVID-19 public health emergency, where those workers have yet to be compensated adequately for work previously performed. For a definition on the covered period, please see page 131 of Treasury’s Interim Final Guidance. For more information on premium pay and the associated covered period, see page 50 of the Interim Final Guidance.”
Other questions Treasury addressed this week on their FAQ sheet include:
- May recipients use funds to pay “back to work incentives” (e.g., cash payments for newly employed workers after a certain period of time on the job)?
- What staff are included in “public safety, public health, health care, human services, and similar employees”? Would this include, for example, 911 operators, morgue staff, medical examiner staff, or EMS staff?
- How do I know if a certain type of revenue should be counted for the purpose of computing revenue loss?
NACo Executive Director Matt Chase, who moderated the Tuesday session, urged counties to consult NACo’s new analysis of the initial guidance on spending ARP
Treasury continues to field questions from local officials across the country, so more information will be coming as rules are developed and finalized. Be sure to visit MAC’s Resources Page for the latest on developments on COVID-related aid.
MIOSHA ends remote work mandate, allows vaccinated employees to work without masks or social distancing
Michigan workplaces can return to largely normal operations effective immediately, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced Monday morning.
Whitmer, speaking from the headquarters of Steelcase in Grand Rapids, said the effectiveness of vaccines and the changing federal guidelines are allowing the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) to modify its emergency rules to remove mandates on remote work and allow fully vaccinated workers to operate in offices without masks or social distancing. (In response to a question from a county administrator, MAC confirmed with the state that the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA] does not block employers from asking employees about their vaccination status.)
Whitmer added, however, that employers must still maintain a COVID-19 preparedness plan and abide by softened cleaning standards for work areas.
MIOSHA’s emergency rules, which run to October 2021, still require masking and social distancing rules for those residents who have not been fully vaccinated.
As of May 26, 58.1 percent of Michiganians age 16 and up had received at least one vaccine shot.
The announcements follow the governor’s comments last week to put the state on the path of lifting all capacity limits on gatherings around Michigan by July 1.
Also on Monday, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services released its revised order on face masks and gatherings to go into effect on June 1.
MAC testifies against expansion of binding arbitration

Deena Bosworth
MAC testified in opposition this week to legislation making county correctional officers eligible for binding arbitration in labor disputes.
MAC’s Deena Bosworth, governmental affairs director, told the House Commerce and Tourism Committee that counties opposed House Bill 4639 and HB 4725, by Rep. Kelly Breen (D-Oakland) and Rep. Robert Bezotte (R-Howell) respectively, which seek to expand the benefits of Public Act 312 beyond the police and fire labor bargaining units to correctional officers. (Bosworth’s testimony begins at the 50-minute mark of this video.)
MAC has long opposed any expansion of binding arbitration to other bargaining units due to the cost of the process, the long-term liabilities associated with third party decisions and the unequal treatment such a system provides to those particular bargaining units. The Michigan Public Employment Relations Act provides for bargaining rights without tying the hands of the county in binding arbitration.
The committee took no action on the bills this week.
For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at
Bipartisan legislation aimed at revamping mental health system
A bipartisan package to change the state’s behavioral health system, including a proposal to replace the state’s 10 Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans with a single nonprofit or administrative services organization, will soon receive hearings in the House. Under the effort, led by Rep. Mary Whiteford (R-Allegan), the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) would develop, implement and oversee the core functions of the single services organization.
- House Bill 4925, by Whiteford, creates the administrative services organization (ASO) to replace the current “department-designated community mental health entity.” It also creates a Behavioral Health Oversight Council within MDHHS.
- HB 4926, by Rep. Abdullah Hammoud (D-Wayne), expands the use of Medicaid funds for behavioral health care service.
- HB 4927, by Rep. Phil Green (R-Tuscola), updates terminology in the Public Health Code.
- HB 4928, by Rep. Sue Allor (R-Cheyboygan), updates terminology in the Liquor Control Code.
- HB 4929, by Rep. Shri Thanedar (D-Wayne), updates terminology in the Social Welfare Act.
The plan preserves the current behavioral health carve-out and does not integrate funding with Medicaid health plans. This approach is quite different than previously proposed integration models in the Senate. MAC is reviewing the bills thoroughly and working with partners at the Community Mental Health Association to understand their viewpoint. Please feel free to share thoughts or concerns with MAC as the review continues.
The bills have been referred to the House Committee on Health Policy, chaired by Rep. Bronna Kahle (R-Lenawee). The committee hearings on them will begin next week.
For more information on this issue, contact Meghann Keit-Corrion at
Podcast 83 will resume live episodes on June 7
MAC’s Podcast 83 team continued to field questions about American Rescue Plan funds and the state budget during their live session on May 24.
To see the video of the episode, click here.
The Podcast 83 team will take a break on Monday, May 31 and reconvene on the web on Monday, June 7 to discuss legislative action in Lansing and Washington, D.C.
Links to past episodes can be found on the podcast webpage, while every 2021 video episode is now available on MAC’s YouTube channel.
MAC offices to close for holiday
MAC’s Lansing offices will be closed on Monday, May 31 to mark the Memorial Day holiday.
Normal office hours resume on Tuesday, June 1 at 8 a.m.
MAC still needs your voice on 4-year terms
While legislation to enact four-year terms for county commissioners awaits action on the Senate floor, MAC again asks members to add their individual and collective voices to the campaign.
Senate Bill 242, by Sen. Ed McBroom (R-Dickinson), and SB 245, by Sen. Jeremy Moss (D-Oakland) would bring four-year terms to Michigan in the 2024 presidential election cycle. Enactment of these bills would end Michigan’s status as one of just five states with two-year terms on all commissioners.
The bills are now on the Senate floor.
MAC continues to encourage commissioners to add their voices to the four-year term effort. As of Friday morning, 73 county leaders had responded. Please add your voice to this effort today by clicking here.
MAC also requests that counties adopt official resolutions of support for the legislation. To download a template for this purpose, click here. If you pass such a resolution, please send a copy to Hannah Sweeney at
As of Thursday, the following counties had advised MAC of passage of such resolutions: Allegan, Alpena, Bay, Cheboygan, Clinton, Crawford, Dickinson, Emmet, Genesee, Houghton, Huron, Ionia, Isabella, Lenawee, Manistee, Marquette, Mecosta, Newaygo, Ogemaw, Ontonagon, Sanilac, Van Buren, Washtenaw and Wexford.
For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at
SE Michigan counties rack up NACo Achievement Awards
Five Michigan counties garnered awards from the National Association of Counties this month as part of the 2021 Achievement Awards.
Leading the way was Oakland County, with nine citations, including a “Best in Category” for Civic Education/Public Information for its “#Oakland Together COVID-19 Tribute.” The project included crowdsourced story maps for stories and photos of those we have lost to COVID-19 and a Tribute Walk — a half-mile immersive light display that paid homage to those we’ve lost to COVID-19, gave thanks to those who risk their lives to keep us safe and expressed gratitude for those who have helped us through the last year.
Other counties earning recognition were Macomb, Wayne, Washtenaw and Jackson. NACo recognized 844 entries from counties and state associations in 28 states.
Civic Education and Public Information
- Oakland County, #OaklandTogether COVID-19 Tribute (best in category)
- Oakland County, Digital Coronavirus Response
Community and Economic Development
- Washtenaw County, Home for Generations: Grandma’s Will is Not Enough
- Oakland County, ReOpen Kits & Crowdfunding Campaign
- Wayne County, Wayne County Cares Program
Information Technology
- Oakland County, CARES ACT Grant Automation
- Macomb County, COVID-19 Assessment and Tracing
- Oakland County, Cybersecurity Task Force
- Oakland County, Health Connect
- Macomb County, Mobile Workforce
- Oakland County, Oakland Together Lifeline
- Oakland County, Public Safety Transparency Dashboard
- Macomb County, Sheriff Scheduler Application
- Macomb County, Small Business Grant Applications
Parks and Recreation
- Oakland County, Holly Oaks ORV Park
Personnel Management, Employment and Training
- Jackson County, Competency Assessment Committee: A Highway to Organizational Excellence
- Jackson County, McDevitt Avenue Reconstruction: Transforming an Old Runway to a New Roadway
Treasury webinar to review state’s fiscal situation
The next webinar in a series co-sponsored by MAC, the Michigan Treasury and other local government groups will be on Tuesday, June 8.
The session, set for 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. EDT, is intended for such local officials as clerks, treasurers, elected officials, finance directors, auditors and accounting staff, among others.
To register, click HERE.
This will be the 12th webinar in the “Updates and Resources for Local Governments” series and will include:
- An update from the Michigan State Treasureron items related to the Michigan Department of Treasury’s strategic plan and initiatives.
- An update on the May Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference.
Stay tuned for more for information regarding the 13th and 14th “Updates and Resources for Local Governments” webinars — the “American Rescue Plan Act: Metropolitan Communities and Counties” webinar and the “American Rescue Plan Act: Non-Entitlement Communities” webinar. Dates and times for these two upcoming webinars are yet to be announced.
Staff picks
- Local governments’ underused resource for building local jobs (Governing)
- The death and life of the central business district (City Lab)
- Virginia and New York City are making it easier for workers to save for retirement (Marketwatch)
- GM’s newest vehicle: Off-road, self-driving rover for moon (Associated Press)
New workplace rules on COVID expected from state on Monday
By July 1, Michigan will have lifted all COVID-19 restrictions on the size of indoor and outdoor gatherings, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced this week.
On June 1, the outdoor restrictions lift, will indoor capacity limits increase to 50 percent. Whitmer cited ongoing progress in vaccinations against the virus for the latest modifications to the “Vacc to Normal” plan. As of Thursday, 57.1 percent of residents age 16 and up had received at least one dose of vaccine. That represents 4,623,805 people.
These changes did not directly address questions about workplace restrictions – a key issue for counties.
As of Friday, the state’s workplace regulator, MIOSHA, said it “is in the process of reviewing both the emergency rules and draft permanent rules. … Until then, MIOSHA will consider compliance with the MDHHS order as good faith to comply when responding to employee complaints or conducting investigations related to COVID-19.” (emphasis added)
That statement refers to the existing Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) order on gatherings and masks, issued on May 15.
MIOSHA and MDHHS, however, are expected to issue new rules on Monday, May 24 to adapt to what Whitmer announced this week.
The requirement to wear masks indoors for those who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine will remain in place through June 30, 2021, noted the Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority (MMRMA), which continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 regulatory environment.
Budget panel increases state revenue forecast
The state of Michigan will have nearly $3 billion more in its General Fund for fiscal years 2021-23 than was expected just a few months ago, a state budget panel determined in its regular meeting on Friday.
The Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference (CREC) establishes revenue numbers that legislators and the governor use in building state budgets each year. After economic presentations at the Capitol on Friday, the panel determined:
- FY21 General Fund will be up $1 billion from the January estimate to a total of $11.3 billion.
- FY22 General Fund will be up $776 million to a total of $11.7 billion.
- FY23 General Fund will be up $1.1 billion to a total of $12.3 billion.
The General Fund is the account the state uses to cover county revenue sharing payments each year as well as many other line items appropriated to counties. These revenue estimates are in addition to the federal relief dollars that are flowing into the State.
Now that the CREC has been completed, and the governor and legislative leaders have agreed to sit down to negotiate a budget, the next step is to set mutually agreed upon priorities for the budgets as well as target numbers for each budget chair to meet. MAC will continue to push for revenue sharing back payments and revenue sharing increases for counties during this process.
For more information on MAC’s budget priorities, contact Deena Bosworth at
Counties, be sure you are set up with Treasury on ARP funds
The U.S. Department of Treasury recently released documents to guide counties and local governments on using direct investment funds through the American Rescue Plan (ARP). In addition, MAC has been informed that funds are now starting to show up in county accounts, part of the $105 billion that Treasury says it has released so far in ARP funds.
Michigan counties stand to receive about $1.9 billion in such aid.
Treasury has created a main landing page for this effort, noting that relief is intended to:
- Support urgent COVID-19 response efforts to continue to decrease spread of the virus and bring the pandemic under control
- Replace lost revenue for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to strengthen support for vital public services and help retain jobs
- Support immediate economic stabilization for households and businesses
- Address systemic public health and economic challenges that have contributed to the unequal impact of the pandemic
It is important to familiarize yourself with the three Treasury documents listed below:
- Interim Final Rule
- “quick reference” fact sheet
In addition, Michigan House Fiscal Agency has issued its own overview of the American Rescue Plan’s overall provisions.
Finally, as answered in the FAQs, administrative fees are an allowable expense when using the funds. That means counties can use third-party vendors to help with identifying, tracking, reporting or responding to various other needs counties may have. MAC has worked with Livingston County to prequalify four vendors to assist in that process. Once those agreements are finalized, we will be sharing them with members.
MAC argues for clear county participation in housing bills
Legislation relating to the goals of the Michigan Housing Coalition, of which MAC is a member, had its first hearing in the Senate Economic and Small Business Development Committee this week.
Senate Bills 360–361 allow employers to claim an income tax credit equal to 50 percent of the total eligible contributions made during the tax year. Eligible contributions would include supporting a local impact housing trust fund or offering employees the option to participate in a qualified employer-assisted housing project that assists employees in securing affordable housing near the workplace.
SB 362 would allow a qualified local governmental unit, by resolution of its legislative body, to establish one or more “attainable housing districts.” Within 28 days of receiving a copy of the resolution establishing a district, the county could reject the establishment of the district by written notification to the qualified local governmental unit.
SB 422 creates the “Residential Facilities Exemption” and would allow a temporary tax abatement on qualified new housing development in districts established by local units of government. Within 28 days of receiving a copy of the resolution, a county could reject the establishment of the district.
MAC supports those four bills.
However, MAC did not support two other bills in the package and is working to ensure counties are included in the process of making property tax exemption decisions and community development decisions under SBs 364 and 432. SB 364 would expand the area in which a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone could be developed. There is currently no county oversight or involvement during the process under the bill as introduced. SB 432 allows a local governments the ability to develop payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) policies and enter into PILOT agreements with developers who are building or rehabbing affordable housing units. There is currently no county oversight or involvement during the process under the bill, as introduced.
MAC explained its analysis on these issues to the chair and committee members via letter this week.
For more information on this issue, contact Meghann Keit-Corrion at
Podcast 83 continues live sessions on Monday, May 24
MAC’s Podcast 83 team will reconvene on the web on Monday, May 24to discuss legislative action in Lansing and Washington, D.C.
To register for the live event, which starts at 3 p.m., click here.
Links to past episodes can be found on the podcast webpage, while every 2021 video episode is now available on MAC’s YouTube channel.
Bills debated on new penalties for bottle fraud
Bipartisan bills on bottle deposits that criminalize bottle deposit fraud were reviewed by the House Regulatory Reform Committee this week.
House Bills 4780-83, by Reps. Mike Mueller (R-Genesee), Andrew Fink (R-Hillsdale), Tim Sneller (D-Genesee) and Tyrone Carter (D-Wayne) are designed to crack down on those who bring empties across state lines to collect Michigan’s 10-cent deposit for profit. The bills establish felony charges based on the dollar thresholds of the fraud and increase fines for the violation.
They also reallocate the first $1 million in unclaimed bottle deposit fund revenue to the Michigan State Police to enforce the newly created law. The remaining money in the fund would be distributed based on current law: 75 percent to the Cleanup and Redevelopment Trust fund for non-petroleum remediation and redevelopment activities and 25 percent to the dealers. Whether or not increased compliance efforts will result in more money in the unclaimed deposit fund to make up for the diversion is unclear at this time.
MAC is following the issue but has not taken a position at this time.
For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at
MAC studying bills on asbestos oversight
The House Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Committee took testimony this week on a bipartisan package of bills that create a “Public Entity Asbestos Removal Disclosure Act” to enhance abatement inspection requirements, establish a verification process for contractors and create reporting violations for asbestos removal.
House Bills 4766-71, by Reps. Gary Howell (R-Lapeer), Abraham Aiyash (D-Wayne), Scott VanSingel (R-Newaygo) and William Sowerby (D-Macomb), prohibit a public entity from contracting for asbestos abatement with a contractor with a criminal conviction relating to compliance with environmental regulations.
A recent Auditor General report slammed the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) for lack of oversight of asbestos abatement projects. In response to the lack of resources to comply with their requirements, the bills create an Asbestos Investment Fund, which would be administered by the department. A public entity would be required to submit a $100 fee to EGLE to assist with oversight efforts. A public entity could pass the cost for the notification fee to the asbestos abatement contractor, unless the pass-through would violate the terms of a contract signed before the effective date of the bill.
MAC is working on amendments to the bills before taking a position on the package.
For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at
MAC opposes workers’ comp legislation
A bill to direct workers’ compensation coverage on COVID-19 issues was opposed by MAC in committee this week.
House Bill 4288, by Rep. Mike Mueller (R-Genesee), amends the Worker’s Disability Compensation Act to include a first response employee’s injury or illness resulting from contraction of COVID-19 as a personal injury presumed to arise in the course of employment under certain circumstances.
In general, the Worker’s Disability Compensation Act provides compensation to employees who are injured on the job and provides that those benefits are the employee’s sole remedy for the injury. The bill would expand compensatory coverage if a first response employee met one of the following criteria:
- Is quarantined at the direction of his or her employer due to confirmed or suspected exposure to COVID-19
- Receives a COVID-19 diagnosis from a physician
- Receives a presumptive positive COVID-19 test
- Receives a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis
The Government Operations Committee did not vote on the bill this week, and the chair indicated changes are coming to provide definite timelines for coverage and ensuring a rebuttable presumption. MAC will review changes when available.
For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at
MAC still needs your voice on 4-year terms
While legislation to enact four-year terms for county commissioners awaits action on the Senate floor, MAC again asks members to add their individual and collective voices to the campaign.
Senate Bill 242, by Sen. Ed McBroom (R-Dickinson), and SB 245, by Sen. Jeremy Moss (D-Oakland) would bring four-year terms to Michigan in the 2024 presidential election cycle. Enactment of these bills would end Michigan’s status as one of just five states with two-year terms on all commissioners.
The bills are now on the Senate floor.
MAC continues to encourage commissioners to add their voices to the four-year term effort. As of Friday morning, 70 county leaders had responded. Please add your voice to this effort today by clicking here.
MAC also requests that counties adopt official resolutions of support for the legislation. To download a template for this purpose, click here. If you pass such a resolution, please send a copy to Hannah Sweeney at
As of Thursday, the following counties had advised MAC of passage of such resolutions: Allegan, Alpena, Bay, Cheboygan, Clinton, Dickinson, Genesee, Emmet, Houghton, Ionia, Isabella, Manistee, Marquette, Mecosta, Newaygo, Ontonagon, Sanilac, Van Buren, Washtenaw and Wexford.
For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at
Leadership Academy class includes 11 from Michigan
Eleven Michigan county officials and staff members recently completed the NACo Leadership Academy, a 12-week online program that empowers front-line county government employees with fundamental leadership skills. Across the country, 812 county employees participated in the most recent class, which began in January.
Among the 11 were Deena Bosworth, MAC’s governmental affairs director, Wayne County Commissioner Melissa Daub, Ottawa County Clerk Justin Roebuck and Houghton County Administrator Ben Larson.
The rest of the Michigan class was Sheila Peters of Alger, Ted Somers of Alpena, Shawna Walraven of Bay, Sue Buitenhuis of Cheboygan, Karl Hauser of Clare, Timothy Mitchell of Osceola and Scott Miller of Washtenaw.
MAC congratulates all the participants in the program. To learn more about the academy, click here.
AG’s Office issues warning on COVID scam calls
Attorney General Dana Nessel is reissuing a consumer alert warning residents about scammers claiming to be from state or local health departments or vaccination clinics, asking for personal information.
Attorney General Nessel offers tips to avoid becoming a victim. Hang up if they claim to be from a government agency or vaccination clinic and:
- request personal information;
- make threats;
- demand you get vaccinated; or
- ask if you are vaccinated or where you received your vaccination.
The Department of Attorney General provides a library of resources for consumers to review anytime. Attorney General Nessel encourages everyone to review the COVID-19 vaccine scam alert for more information.
Your connection to consumer protection is just a click or phone call away. Consumer complaints can be filed online at the Attorney General’s website, or by calling 877-765-8388.
Collaboration on mental health is focus of June 1 webinar
The second in a series of webinars to underscore the ideas of continuously examining best practices, as well as taking the opportunity to enhance longstanding partnerships between law enforcement, mental health systems and communities throughout Michigan and to recommend strengthening those partnerships, will be held on June 1.
The webinar is free and runs from 10:30 a.m. to noon. It will explore interdisciplinary partnership, collaboration and funding efforts from three innovative Michigan communities (Calhoun, Muskegon & Washtenaw).
To register, go to
For information, contact J. Eric Waddell at
Staff picks
- New federal program will help broadband users pay for internet (UpNorthLive)
- Bay County residents have shot at $18K in prizes — if they get Covid vaccine (
- The problem of ad valorem special assessments continues to grow (Citizens Research Council)
- DTMB asks for public’s help in finding the 2021 Michigan Christmas tree (