IMG_0186The U.S. Census Bureau recently presented a certificate of appreciation to MAC for work in support of the LUCA program. “The Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) program provided an opportunity for designated representatives of local, state and tribal governments to review addresses contained in the Census Bureau’s MAF/TIGER database.” LUCA was made possible by an act of Congress in 1994. In the photo above, David Schuler of the bureau’s Chicago Regional Office presents the certificate to Tim McGuire, executive director of MAC.

For more information about the LUCA program, visit

roadsFour of five county road millage questions gained approval from the voters Tuesday night. Eaton County’s millage proposal to levy 1.5 mills for local roads appears to have passed, the Lansing State Journal reports. Meanwhile, voters in Midland, Otsego and Ottawa counties easily approved plans to raise millions for local roads. However, Lapeer County voters rejected a roads millage. MAC congratulates these counties on their road efforts, while still noting that a permanent solution to Michigan’s transportation crisis must come from the State Capitol. Speaking after his re-election victory, Gov. Rick Snyder told the media that a transportation funding measure would be a top priority for him in the post-election legislative session. MAC supports a 1 percent sales tax increase dedicated to roads as the best method to raise the funds needed to handle the crisis.

Six counties — Eaton, Mecosta, Oakland, Oceana, Ottawa and St. Clair — are among local governments landing funds via the “Competitive Grant Assistance Program” for work they are doing on “mergers, consolidations, interlocal agreements and cooperative efforts,” the Treasury Department announced Tuesday.

All together, the six counties will receive about $4.5 million.

Oakland will receive the lion’s share of that sum, $3.8 million for “collaboration by three counties to form the Great Lakes Water Authority” to fix and upgrade the Detroit water system.

The amounts and purposes for the other awards are:

  • Eaton, $10,0001, for collaboration by area communities to determine the feasibility of shared recycling services.
  • Mecosta, $601,641, for consolidation of morgue services with Newaygo County.
  • Oceana, $13,750, for collaboration by area communities to determine the feasibility of shared fire services.
  • Ottawa, $31,588, for consolidation of the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office with the Village of Spring Lake/City of Ferrysburg Police Department.
  • St. Clair, $10,500, for collaboration with Sanilac County to determine the feasibility of shared public health services.

For more information on the program, visit its official Web page.


The Michigan Cherry Commission is just one of the more than 200 panels and boards of the State of Michigan.

The Michigan Cherry Commission is just one of the more than 200 panels and boards of the State of Michigan.

The State of Michigan has more than 200 panels and boards that advise and help lead efforts ranging from accountancy and architecture to soybeans and historic preservation.

With so many initiatives, it’s no surprise then that the state always is on the hunt for able, civic-minded individuals to serve. The governor’s Appointments Division maintains a handy website with an application link for interested citizens.

In the online application form, you may select up to three panels of interest, and the application process will require a resume and basic background information.

Help Michigan and apply today.

transport funds 10-17-14The conventional wisdom in political circles is that a significant increase in transportation funding will be a heavy lift in the upcoming “lame duck” session of the Legislature after the November elections. That CW might explain why, in the words of this slide in August from the House Fiscal Agency, transportation funding has been “relatively flat” since the late 1990s. Meanwhile … “The average Michigander pays $357 annually in unnecessary repairs to their vehicles due to poor roads.” MAC’s position: An additional penny on the state sales tax, dedicated to transportation, is the best way to improve roads.
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