A revamped Medicaid Expansion bill, HB 4714, sponsored by Rep. Matt Lori (R-St. Joseph County), passed from the House with strong bipartisan support, 76 to 31, and is now in the Senate Government Operations Committee.
HB 4714 would save Michigan taxpayers about $200 million a year in reduced health care spending, provide health insurance to an estimated 474,000 eligible low-income Michigan workers who are currently uninsured. This legislation would also provide funding that would support preventive healthcare and mental health treatment, which keeps people out of costly healthcare settings, jails, and prisons.
“This plan wouldn’t just provide health insurance to low-income workers who are uninsured today,” said Thomas Bardwell, President of the Michigan Association of Counties (M.A.C.) Board of Directors, “but it also would require some responsibility from the participant in the form of co-pays, along with incentivizing participants to practice a healthy lifestyle.”
M.A.C. supports the passing of HB 4714 and would like to thank Rep. Lori for sponsoring the bill, Governor Snyder for his continued support of this bill, Rep. Shirkey (R-Jackson County), and all legislators working to pass this important piece of legislation.
Below are the numbers, by county, of workers who would gain insurance under HB 4714. This information was provided by www.reformmedicaidmi.com via the Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE) data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.