Michigan Senate endorses flexible use of federal CARES Act dollars

The Michigan Senate called on the federal government to ease restrictions on use of the nearly $3.8 billion Michigan has received from the CARES Act via a resolution passed Thursday.

 Senate Resolution 124, by Sen. Winnie Brinks (D-Kent), acknowledges the revenue shortfalls for the state and local units of government and implores Congress to allow the use of these funds to help fill the mounting deficits faced by Michigan and local governments. The State is facing a $3 billion deficit for Fiscal 2020, which ends Sept. 30. Without additional flexibility for CARES funds, severe budget cuts across all levels of government are inevitable.

The Legislature and the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also are in discussions about extending the July 1, 2020, deadline for presenting the governor a budget for fiscal 2021, which begins Oct. 1, ,2020. Due to the uncertainty on revenues for next year and over federal assistance, completing a new budget will challenge state leaders. An additional Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference is scheduled for August. At that time, a clearer picture of the budget damage will provide legislators more guidance on their options.

For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at bosworth@micounties.org.


MAC expresses concern on expungement bill

Counties have concerns with the mechanics of House Bill 4980, part of a package of bills on expunging criminal records, the Michigan Association of Counties told the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety this week.

The committee took testimony on bills to expand the eligibility to remove specific convictions from the public criminal record. HB 4980 would create an automatic process, in which certain offenses would be set aside without requiring a petition process overseen by a judge. 

Countywide elected officials expressed concerns about the automatic provisions during the committee hearing. Prosecutors from Berrien and Marquette also opposed an automatic process and encouraged the committee to preserve the ability of victims to part of the expungement process. Additionally, the prosecutors pointed out that out-of-state convictions will not be considered under the current bill language. Undersheriff Daniel Pfannes of Wayne County also testified in opposition to HB 4980 on behalf of the Michigan Sheriffs’ Association.

In written testimony to the committee, MAC noted that recent versions of the bill require certain records in the Michigan State Police (MSP) database to be set aside after a period of seven or 10 years. However, nothing in the bill requires MSP to then transfer a notification to the local court that these records are sealed. Therefore, the record would still be accessible through the court or county clerk. Additionally, changes to state-administered databases may occur, but it is unclear how the system changes will affect local government case management systems and the potential cost attached.

MAC will continue to work with state agencies and legislative leaders to address logistical and fiscal concerns.

For more information on this issue, contact Meghann Keit at keit@micounties.org.  


Candidates can now file for MAC Board seats

At the 2020 Michigan Counties Annual Conference in August, MAC members will vote on six seats on the MAC Board of Directors.

Commissioners wishing to serve on the Board, whether incumbents or new candidates, have until July 16 to file official notice of their intent to run. Board terms are for three years.

Seats representing regions are filled by a vote in regional caucuses at the conference. At-large seats are filled by the candidate that wins a majority of the six regional caucuses.

The MAC Board of Directors is the key body in guiding the legislative and organizational strategies of MAC.

2020 Board seats

  • Region 1 — 1 seat
  • Region 2 — 1 seat
  • Region 3 — 1 seat
  • Region 4 — 1 seat
  • Region 5 — 1 seat
  • At-large — 1 seat

Any member wishing to run in the election must download the application form and return it by July 16, 2020, to Derek Melot (melot@micounties.org) to be eligible. Please also share a brief statement of why you wish to serve on the MAC Board. The information will be shared with voting members on the website prior to the elections

If you have any questions about Board duties, please contact Executive Director Stephan W. Currie at 517-372-5374.


Policy platform drafts now available for review by members

Platforms that would guide MAC’s policy advocacy for the coming year are now available for review on MAC’s website.

The drafts were crafted by the association’s policy committees and reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors at its June 5 session.

MAC also will be sending the platforms electronically to counties to share with commissioners.

Since this year’s session will be done electronically, the Board also voted to require that all member amendments for the platforms be submitted in writing to MAC by 5 p.m. on Aug. 7. Amendments will not be accepted from “the floor” during the virtual meeting, whose date has not yet been set, but which will occur between Aug. 18-27 during the Virtual Annual Conference.

For questions on the platforms, contact Deena Bosworth at bosworth@micounties.org.


Counties advise on opening status

Counties across Michigan reported they have either resumed public access to buildings or on the brink of doing so via emails shared by county administrators this week.

MAC created a summary of these comments and plans that includes responses from 33 counties.


Benzie’s work on rural broadband opens Camp Counties series

A case study from Benzie County on their work to expand and improve internet service was the focus of the first of five webinars under MAC’s Camp Counties series.

Robert Russell, one of the leaders of the Benzie effort, walked attendees through the challenges, particularly topographical, and options the Benzie group has encountered over the last two years.

The video from the webinar and Russell’s slide deck are available for 24/7 viewing at the Camp Counties webpage.

Also visit the page to register for upcoming sessions, with the next one, on June 17, to focus on tips for planning and winning millage elections in a COVID world.


Nursing home monitoring bill advances

A bill to require nursing homes and medical care facilities to allow residents to place a camera in their room advanced out of a Senate committee this week, despite opposition from the Michigan County Medical Care Facilities Council (MCMCFC).

Senate Bill 77, by Sen. Jim Runestad (R-Oakland), moved out of the Senate Health Policy Committee and to the Senate floor. Under the bill, the resident would have to cover the cost, maintenance and activation of the electronic device. If a resident shares a room with another, written permission must be granted by the other party or their representative.

MCMCFC opposes the legislation due to concerns around the dignity and privacy rights of the resident. According to an article in The Elder Law Journal, “Monitoring technologies that aim to safeguard residents against perceived threats to health and safety can, in so doing, create their own threats to their autonomy and well-being.”

“Most nursing homes already have cameras in hallways and other common areas, but cameras in bedrooms, where residents are being dressed, bathed or receiving other medical treatments, is something that most people would not want for themselves,” said Renee Beniak, executive director of MCMCFC.

Additionally, the larger issue at hand should be addressed regarding resident care: the shortage of nurses and nursing assistant. Without adequate staffing, nurses are put under extreme pressure to care for their residents in a timely manner.

MCMCFC will continue to work to improve the legislation.

For more information on this issue, contact Meghann Keit at keit@micounties.org.


Oscoda moves into new building, 4 years after fire

Oscoda County opened its new Government Building to the public on June 10.

“So far, so good,” reported Clerk Jeri Winton. “It has been a joy to be in the new building after four years of being in a double-wide, and to be able to allow our voters in so they can conduct their business has been great!”

The new building was needed after a fire in May 2016 destroyed the county’s historic courthouse, which was built in 1888 and listed in the National Register of Historic Places.


MAC Board votes to shift Annual Conference to virtual sessions

The 2020 MAC Annual Conference will be a virtual event stretching across several days in late August, the MAC Board of Directors decided during a meeting on Friday.

“With counties and vendors alike still sorting through the budget problems caused by COVID, we had a real concern that attendance would drop, and the event would be costly for MAC,” said Board President Veronica Klinefelt of Macomb County. “Based on the success of the Virtual Legislative Conference and the continuing research of our MAC staff, the Board saw a virtual event as the better option.”

The virtual event will include workshops, plenary sessions, opportunities to interact with exhibiting vendors, board elections and the Annual Business Meeting on Aug. 18 to approve MAC’s policy platforms for the coming year.

The Board approved the draft platforms for the membership vote this week. Those drafts soon will be made available on MAC’s website and sent electronically to all counties for members’ review in advance of the Annual Business Meeting.

Since this year’s session will be done electronically, the Board also voted to require that all member amendments for the platforms be submitted in writing to MAC by 5 p.m. on Aug. 7. Amendments will not be accepted from “the floor” during the virtual meeting on Aug. 18.

Full details about the virtual conference, including exact dates, speakers and registration, will be released in early July.

The conference originally was scheduled for Aug. 16-19 at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Kalamazoo. MAC has arranged with the venue to reset that in-person event to 2023.

MAC’s conferences in 2021 are scheduled for April 27-29 in Lansing (Legislative) and Sept. 26-28 at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island (Annual).

For the latest conference-related news, visit MAC’s website.


Executive orders loosen economic restrictions due to COVID-19

Two executive orders on Friday will continue to ease economic restrictions imposed earlier due to the coronavirus crisis.

On June 10, Regions 6 and 8, which include much of Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula, will advance to Phase 5 of the governor’s MI Safe Start Plan. Phase 5 allows the reopening of salons, movie theaters, and gyms, subject to safety protocols and procedures designed to minimize the spread of COVID-19. 

On June 15, personal services including hair, massages, and nails will reopen statewide. Though the remaining regions, 1 through 5 and 7, will remain in Phase 4 under the new executive orders. The governor said she expects the entire state will advance to Phase 5 in the coming weeks.


Normal FOIA requirements resume on June 11

Normal requirements under the state’s Freedom of Information Act resume on June 11, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer stated in a new Executive Order on June 3.

FOIA requirements had been modified by Whitmer in Executive Order 38 during the height of the COVID-19 crisis and in response to the disrupt to local government operations.

That order was to expire on June 4, but Whitmer issued EO 112 to extend modifications, but only to June 11. Starting next week, counties are subject to all of the normal deadline and response requirements under the transparency law.


Hazard pay measure awaiting House floor action

A supplemental budget bill that includes hundreds of millions of dollars in payments for first responders and health workers awaits action on the Michigan House floor after its approval by the full Senate and the House Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 690, by Sen. Jim Stamas (R-Midland), is the subject of continuing negotiations between the Legislature and the governor. At issue is the $3.2 billion in Federal CARES Act dollars allocated for the state of Michigan. Guidance from the Federal Department of Treasury prohibits the use of these funds for revenue replacement and restricts the spending for COVID-19 related expenses.

While state and local governments are trying to balance budgets with significant revenue shortfalls, these funds can provide some relief under certain conditions. Included in current version of SB 690 is $100 million for hazard pay for public safety workers, $226.5 million for a pay differential for direct care workers and $200 million for grants to small businesses in the form of restart grants. The bill spends approximately $1.25 billion of the CARES money, but that amount is subject to change based on negotiations. 

MAC has not taken a position on the bill yet.

For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at bosworth@micounties.org.


Property tax bills advance despite MAC concerns

Legislation to provide relief for taxpayers struggling to pay their summer property tax bills on time advance out of its initial House review this week.

House Bills 5761 and 5810, by Rep. James Lower (R-Ionia), chair of the House Local Government and Municipal Finance Committee, will amend the General Property Tax act to do several things: 

  • Forgive interest and fees for property owners who qualify for the program due to financial hardship associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. Qualification will be based on an affidavit of hardship regardless and will apply to all types of property, not just residential. 
  • Require local units to submit unpaid summer taxes to the county treasurer by Oct. 1, 2020, instead of waiting until they become delinquent on March 1, 2021. 
  • Require county treasurers to advance the payment to local units in the amount of the summer taxes turned over to the county to assist with cash flow for taxing jurisdictions.  

Language was added to the bill that indicates an intention of the Legislature to appropriate the money to cover the interest and costs associated with the advancement of money to local units from the Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund (DTRF).

It is unclear how many individuals and businesses would utilize the program, but many homeowners and businesses will be struggling to meet their financial obligations after such a long shutdown. If it is widely utilized, the advancement of payment from the DTRF could be in the billions of dollars, which in turn would require substantial borrowing by county treasurers in order to meet the obligations for cash set forth in the legislation. The critical components would be the ability for treasurers to borrow the funds and the guarantee by the state to pay for the additional expenditures and the lost interest used to repay the notes.

The bill sponsor has been working with MAC and other local units closely throughout this process to address our concerns, but MAC remains without a position on the legislation until solutions to the concerns can be found.

The bills have been referred to the House Committee on Appropriations for further consideration.

For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at bosworth@micounties.org.


Major changes to solid waste management proposed

Legislation making substantial changes to how counties handle solid waste was introduced this week in Lansing.

House Bills 5812-5817 were discussed in the House Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Committee on Tuesday. Among the goals of bill sponsors are increasing Michigan’s overall recycling rate to 45 percent in the long term; increasing curbside recycling statewide; creating new recycling markets by increasing permitting fees for material management facilities; and funding counties to rewrite their waste management plans.

The most important bill for counties in the package is HB 5817,  by Rep. Joe Tate (D-Wayne), which would replace county solid waste management plans with Materials Management Plans (MMP) and provide for funding to do the work. Counties would receive upfront funding through the Renew Michigan Fund at a rate of $60,000 plus 50 cents per resident in the county that will cover “100% of eligible costs” for three years, the timeline to finish the MMP. The bill would also permit counties to levy landfill surcharges, hauler licensing fees and other tools to finance adequate materials management practices.

Other bills in the package will eliminate the need to monitor imports and exports between counties, preserve local control in the siting of new material management facilities and increase financial assurance requirements for private landfills. A fiscal analysis of each of the bills can be found here.

The package is the result of findings from a 2016 task force created by Gov. Rick Snyder: the Solid Waste and Sustainability Advisory Panel. Recommendations from the report included empowering counties to plan for waste management practices other than landfilling, such as composting and recycling.

The bills are scheduled for further testimony in the House Natural Resources & Outdoor Recreation Committee on Tuesday, June 9.

MAC has not yet taken a position on the bills.

For more information on this issue, contact Michael Ruddock at ruddock@micounties.org.


Federal guidance: States need to send CARES Act money to locals

In comments released late last week, U.S. Treasury officials said that state governments need to be sharing CARES Act money with local governments that did not qualify for direct payments under the act due to their population. This guidance affirms what MAC has been saying in ongoing discussions with the State Budget Office on the need for state help to address COVID-19 financial effects.

In Michigan, the federal guidance would apply to 79 of the 83 counties.

The guidance came via a May 28 FAQ document, which states:

“Should States receiving a payment transfer funds to local governments that did not receive payments directly from Treasury?

“Yes, provided that the transferred funds are used by the local government for eligible expenditures under the statute. To facilitate prompt distribution of Title V funds, the CARES Act authorized Treasury to make direct payments to local governments with populations in excess of 500,000, in amounts equal to 45% of the local government’s per capita share of the statewide allocation. This statutory structure was based on a recognition that it is more administratively feasible to rely on States, rather than the federal government, to manage the transfer of funds to smaller local governments. Consistent with the needs of all local governments for funding to address the public health emergency, States should transfer funds to local governments with populations of 500,000 or less, using as a benchmark the per capita allocation formula that governs payments to larger local governments. This approach will ensure equitable treatment among local governments of all sizes.

“For example, a State received the minimum $1.25 billion allocation and had one county with a population over 500,000 that received $250 million directly. The State should distribute 45 percent of the $1 billion it received, or $450 million, to local governments within the State with a population of 500,000 or less.”

MAC will continue to make the case for state help for counties as the budget process continues.

For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at bosworth@micounties.org.


MAC creates resources page for 2020 Census

MAC has created a dedicated page of information related to 2020 Census efforts.

County leaders understand the importance of getting an accurate count of Michiganders to leverage maximum investment from the federal government. Visit the page at https://micounties.org/2020-census/ to find videos for local leaders, resources to maximize response rates and much more. The page will be updated frequently.


Next Treasury webinar is June 9

The latest in a series of webinars for local government officials who are dealing with COVID-19’s financial impacts will be at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9. The event is co-sponsored by MAC and other local government groups.

To register, click here. Be advised that “seating” is limited, so registration as soon as possible.


State releases new tools on reopening

In an effort to help reopening businesses safely reengage in the economy, the MI Symptoms Web Application is a cost-free way for employers to comply with Executive Order 2020-97 and implement a COVID-19 symptoms screening questionnaire for employees.

Designed primarily for employers and employees, the online tool is also available to all Michigan residents. Users enter information daily to help identify symptoms that might be caused by the virus and to make decisions about when to seek appropriate medical care. Local and state public health will also use the collective data to help identify the potential for new outbreaks of the disease.

Some employers may ask or require employees to use MI Symptoms as they return to work to help identify potential cases of COVID-19 before it can spread. Employees will have an objective tool to inform their employer that they should not be coming to work without having to share symptom-specific information.

If you choose to participate, employers can create a profile. After creation, a code will be generated that can be shared with employees to use on their profiles. 

MI Symptoms and MI Safe Start Map support the state’s “Contain COVID” efforts by linking symptomatic individuals to resources and providing data to plan and evaluate the impact of target, testing and protection efforts as necessary to begin to safely reengage the economy.


SMART Fund bill would provide $500 billion to states and locals

A co-sponsor of federal legislation to funnel an additional $500 billion in corona aid to states and local governments released a detailed description of the measure this week.

Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI 6) is one of the original House co-sponsors of H.R. 6954, called the SMART Fund, which would “provide $500 billion in emergency funding to every state, county, and community in the country to help keep essential workers on the payroll and Michigan residents safe, while prioritizing state and local assistance based on population size, infection rates and revenue losses.”

Upton explained the funding would be allocated as follows:

  • 33 percent based on population Size – “This tranche of funding will be allocated to all 50 states, D.C. and U.S. territories in proportion to each respective state or territory’s percentage of the U.S. population. Counties and municipalities will each get a share of one-sixth of their state’s respective allocation for a combined total of one-third of their state’s allocation from this tranche. Funding will be distributed to counties and municipalities based on each county or municipality’s proportion of the state’s population.”
  • 33 percent based on infection rates – “This tranche of funding will be allocated based on each state’s relative share of the nation’s infection rate. … Counties and municipalities will each get a share of one-sixth of their state’s respective allocation for a combined total of one-third of their state’s allocation from this tranche. Funding will be distributed to counties and municipalities based on each county or municipality’s proportion of the state’s population.”
  • 33 percent based on revenue losses – “This tranche of funding will be allocated based on each state’s revenue loss in proportion to the combined revenue loss of all the states from Jan. 1, 2020 through Dec. 31, 2020. … Counties and municipalities will each get a share of one-sixth of their state’s allocation for a combined total of one-third of their state’s allocation. Funding will be distributed to counties and municipalities based on each county or municipality’s revenue loss … in proportion to the combined revenue loss for all counties and municipalities in the state over this period.”

Upton is joined as a co-sponsor on the bill by Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI 12). For more information on the measure, visit www.upton.house.gov.


MAC opens ‘Camp Counties’ for summer webinars

With in-person gatherings still discouraged, but the need to share information and best practices never more acute, MAC has responded with a new educational series for summer 2020: Camp Counties.

Replacing our traditional in-person Regional Summits, the webinars of Camp Counties are free to all employees of MAC member counties and designed to provide practical information and tips that can be put to immediate use. All webinars will start at 11 a.m. on their scheduled dates. The webinars will be recorded for post-event, on-demand viewing on our website.

“The five topics are designed to both provide something of an interest to members across the state and deliver practical information that can be put to immediate use as we all continue to navigate the COVID crisis,” said Stephan Currie, MAC’s executive director. “I’m also pleased that we are able to deliver so much to members at no additional costs to them or their counties.”

Major support for Camp Counties comes from Enbridge and Envirologic, with additional support from three of MAC’s sponsored programs: Blue Cross Blue Shield, Nationwide Retirement Solutions and Abilita.

For all the latest camp happenings, visit the Camp Counties page on the MAC website.

June 10: Benzie’s Broadband Journey and Funding Challenges Looking Forward

Click to register.

June 17: Planning and Winning Millage Elections in a COVID World

Click to register.

June 24: Using Uniform Fees to Boost Appeals in Criminal Cases

Click to register

July 8: How Will COVID Affect Community and Work Life in the Months Ahead?

Click to register

July 15: Basic Steps for Counties to Enhance Election Cybersecurity

Click to register

For additional details on each webinar, review the camp agenda flier.


Legislators look to delay summer property tax payments

A two-bill package intended to provide taxpayers extra time to pay their summer 2020 tax bill without penalty was discussed before the House Committee on Local Government and Municipal Finance this week.

House Bills 5761 and 5810, by Rep. James Lower (R-Gratiot), are meant to assist businesses and property owners with cash flow concerns resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent Executive Orders. Similar bills, Senate Bills 933-934, have been introduced in the Senate by Sen. Peter MacGregor (R-Kent). 

The bills aim to waive late charges and penalties for taxpayers who do not make their summer 2020 tax bill payments by Sept. 30, 2020. For 2020 only, the local tax collecting unit will be required to turn over those unpaid taxes (if they have not already agreed to accept partial payments) to the county for collection.

The county treasurer is then instructed to pay the tax collecting unit the amount of the unpaid taxes out of the delinquent tax revolving fund, as they normally would for delinquent taxes not paid by March 1 of the following year. This acceleration of payment to the local unit would apply to just the summer 2020 taxes.

Under the bills, the county treasurer is further instructed to not charge the taxpayer for the late fees and interest normally charged for late payment of taxes. Instead, the county treasurer is instructed to apply to the State for reimbursement of those fees and interest for only those taxpayers that have submitted an affidavit of economic hardship and met the criteria for such hardship.

MAC remains concerned about some of the criteria used to qualify for the hardship exemption and the unlikely scenario that the state will reimburse counties for their lost revenue from fees and interest used to finance sufficient borrowing to meet the needs of the local units. More work will be done on the bills before they are voted out of committee next week.

For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at bosworth@micounties.org.


Bill would extend property tax appeal deadline to Aug. 31

Under Executive Order 87, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer extended the deadline for commercial and industrial real and personal property tax owners and utility personal property and developmental real property owners to file property tax appeals with the Michigan Tax Tribunal to July 31, 2020. This was in response to the inability of business owners to work with their legal counsel and formulate an appeal during Michigan’s Stay at Home order.

House Bill 5766, by Rep. Roger Hauck (R-Isabella), which would extend this deadline to Aug. 31, 2020, moved unanimously through the House last week and through the Senate this week. It will be presented to the governor next week for her signature.

MAC did not take a position on the legislation.

For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at bosworth@micounties.org.


MMRMA updates its model response plan for COVID-19

To stay abreast of the ever-changing situation posed by the coronavirus pandemic, the Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority (MMRMA) has updated its model preparedness and response plan.

Among the 11 significant changes to the plan, MMRMA’s Cindy King, director of membership services, encouraged counties to pay special attention to these three:

  • “Executive Order 2020-97 sets forth specific safeguards to protect employees and provides that any business or operation that violates the rules in the order ‘has failed to provide a place of employment that is free from recognized hazards that are causing, or are likely to cause, death or serious physical harm to an employee, within the meaning of the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act, MCL 408.1011.’”
  • “Many counties and local governments are issuing their own executive orders or public health orders; members should check to see if any of those have application for their specific operations.”
  • “As orders and directives get more specific and complex, members are encouraged to consult with your in-house counsel, as compliance has regulatory and legal implications.”

Questions regarding the plan or other coronavirus-related matters may be sent to cking@mmrma.org or spogorzelski@mmrma.org.

MAC members also have access to a webinar led by MMRMA on its original plan version in early May. 


Midland’s Gransden presents artwork to governor

During a recent visit to Midland County’s Law Enforcement Center as part of her tour of the flooding response there, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer accepted an artwork from Midland County Administrator Bridgette Gransden. The piece was created by Linda Byrne Pingot from Pinconning. 


Eaton official headlines opioid ‘lunch and learn’ program

Bill Jenkins, health care administrator for the Eaton County Sheriff’s Office, will detail his county’s anti-opioid practices during a June 4 “Lunch and Learn” webinar sponsored by Wayne State University’s Center for Behavioral Health and Justice.

To register for the free webinar from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on June 4, click here

“In 2017, the Eaton County Sheriff’s Office received a Bureau of Justice Assistance grant to implement medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) for inmates with opioid use disorder (OUD) housed in the Eaton County Jail. This webinar will inform how Eaton County developed this program, the mechanisms for referral and treatment engagement, as well as how they have sustained the program over several years.”


Nationwide presents ‘Peyton Manning: Positioned to Win’

Nationwide Retirement Solutions, a MAC sponsored program, invites county officials to a special event featuring Peyton Manning.

The Super Bowl champion will discuss how he’s dealt with adversity on and off the field on June 2 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. The event is free to county leaders. To register and for more information, click here


With in-person gatherings still discouraged, but the need to share information and best practices never more acute, MAC has responded with a new educational series for summer 2020: Camp Counties.

Replacing our traditional in-person Regional Summits, the webinars of Camp Counties are free to all employees of MAC member counties and designed to provide practical information and tips that can be put to immediate use. All webinars will start at 11 a.m. on their scheduled dates. The webinars will be recorded for post-event, on-demand viewing on our website.

MAC thanks Enbridge (see special message from Enbridge) and Envirologic for its support of this new event and their ongoing support of MAC events.

             CAMP SPONSOR                                                           SIGNATURE SPONSOR

Benzie’s Broadband Journey and Funding Challenges Looking Forward – COMPLETED
June 10, 2020, 11 a.m. to noon

To expand broadband access in its area, Benzie County embraced a common-sense approach and partnered after open solicitation with a true point-to-point broadband provider who is expanding organically. Learn how its Broadband Subcommittee evaluated options, developed plans and continues to reassess. Learn how Benzie avoided the paralysis of analysis and maintained a live, active planning and oversight role.

Speaker(s): Bob Russell, Benzie Economic Development Corp.

Planning and Winning Millage Elections in a COVID World – COMPLETED
June 17, 2020, 11 a.m. to noon

Adrian Hemond (D) and Scott Bean (R) from Grassroots Midwest will present useful information for counties about how COVID-19 will change millage elections, and who to proactively engage to pass millages. Grassroots Midwest is Michigan’s only bipartisan, grassroots organizing and advocacy firm. Our team has more than 100 combined years of experience influencing election outcomes, public opinion, and individual and group behavior. In this new era of tight budgets and intense resource competition, understanding how to effectively communicate your value case to county voters is essential to sustaining operations and building strong communities. The Grassroots Midwest team will provide practical tools for winning millage elections in this challenging environment.

Speakers: Adrian Hemond and Scott Bean, Grassroots Midwest

Using Tech to Get a Handle on Your Court Records – COMPLETED
June 24, 2020, 11 a.m. to noon


State policymakers often contemplate changes to the criminal justice system, yet the lack of integrated data often put counties at a disadvantage. Learn from technology experts how to leverage an integrated system to make data sharing easier across county offices, as well as state databases. SolidCircle Court Case Management is a web-based application that provides Juvenile, District and Circuit Court users the ability to manage and process cases. SolidCircle Unified Justice System provides users with real-time access to an individual’s case, whether Traffic, Criminal, Juvenile or Civil, and includes seamless integration to financial and state systems, including State Police and LEIN.

Speaker: Pranay Rajgarhia, SolidCircle

How Will COVID Affect Community and Work Life in the Months Ahead? – COMPLETED
July 8, 2020, 11 a.m. to noon

With counties struggling to adapt to new realities in weeks and months ahead, this webinar will focus on “what will life be like for local government offices/operations and for a community’s general economy. Experts from the Center for State and Local Government Excellence will provide data from its annual workforce survey and a follow-up, COVID-19-specific survey to shed light on organizational and employee expectations.

Speakers: Rivka Liss-Levinson and Gerald Young, Center for State and Local Government Excellence

Basic Steps for Counties to Enhance Election Cybersecurity – COMPLETED
July 15, 2020, 11 a.m. to noon

A 2018 report by the cybersecurity firm McAfee listed Michigan as one of the states where few counties have taken a basic security precaution for election purposes: adoption of the .gov website domain.

As opposed to other domains such as .com or .org, the .gov domain is controlled by the federal government and has strict rules about qualifying for its use.

This webinar will detail why counties should migrate to a .gov domain and what other common-sense measures they can take to protect their election processes and general information online.

Speaker: Rita Reynolds, National Association of Counties

Additional support from:

Court sides with governor on emergency powers in 1945 law

Michigan’s Court of Claims turned aside a challenge to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s emergency powers under a 1945 state law in a ruling issued Thursday.

Judge Cynthia Stephens rejected the challenge by House Speaker Lee Chatfield (R-Emmet) and Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R-Jackson) that the governor had exceeded her powers.

“It would take a particularly strained reading of the plain text of the (law) to conclude that a grant of authority to deal with a public crisis that affects all the people of this state would somehow be constrained to a certain locality,” Stephens said.

However, Stephens did rule that the governor cannot use a 1976 law to “unilaterally make emergency declarations,” the Associated Press reported. Whitmer had issued emergency orders under both the 1945 and 1976 statutes after the Legislature had declined to extend a state of emergency in late April.

Legislative leaders said they will appeal the decision.

In the meantime, all the governor’s executive orders remain in force.

For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at bosworth@micounties.org.


Podcast 83 delves into federal aid prospects, state budget crisis

Aid proposals for counties and others continue to float around Capitol Hill, while the state of Michigan has nothing but grim budget news for the next two years, said MAC staffers during the most recent episode of Podcast 83, MAC’s audio briefing on all news and policies related to counties.

Also discussed was the decision this week by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to revise her Stay at Home order for northern regions of Michigan: “Restaurants and bars can open, but at half capacity, and again protocols are just like the rest of the industries that have gone back to work,” explained Deena Bosworth, MAC’s governmental affairs director. “This is all just in time for Memorial Weekend. It’s probably really good news for those Up North.”

On Capitol Hill, said Executive Director Stephan Currie, numerous proposals are in play that would send more rescue funds to Michigan, but they are not all the same: “I think it’s important to note that when you look at the two packages, HEROES vs. SMART, HEROES does provide a lot of flexibility, where SMART does kind of put some guardrails on there, which I think we’re comfortable with going forward. We understand people should not be making pension payments and things like that. This is not just bailout funds. These are funds used to deal with direct revenue loss because of COVID-19.”

Less encouraging was the report from the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference that Michigan is in the hole about $6 billion over the rest of this budget year (FY20) and the next (FY21).

“It takes three to tango,” said Keit, regarding the prickly relationship among Gov. Whitmer, House Speaker Lee Chatfield (R-Emmet) and Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R-Jackson) that must be navigated if budget compromises are to be found in Lansing.

To hear the new episode, or listen to prior ones, visit the Podcast 83 page.


New order loosens restrictions on retail activity, social gatherings

On Thursday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued Executive Order 96, loosening restrictions on retail and social activity in Michigan.







Locals would gain spending flexibility on roads under House bills

Local road agencies could reallocate their share of state road funding dollars to the roads they determine need it the most under two bills approved by the House this week.  

Current law dictates that 75% percent of the money must be spent on primary roads, leaving only 25 percent for secondary roads. But House Bill 4965, by Rep. Rodney Wakeman (R-Saginaw), and HB 4966, by Rep. Andrea Schroeder (R-Oakland), eliminate the requirements to allocate the funding in a 75/25 split.

This comes in the wake of new asset management plan requirements that created asset mapping. The maps, approved by the State Transportation Asset Management Council, identify the conditions of roads and rank them. The flexibility will allow locals to allocate their resources in a manner consistent with need, instead of restricting the funds according to percentages. 

MAC supports both bills, which now move to the Senate.

For more information on this issue, contact Deena Bosworth at bosworth@micounties.org.   


Immunity bill stalls in committee; Whitmer issues new EO on nursing homes

A bill to provide civil and criminal immunity to health providers during the coronavirus crisis got its second hearing this week before the House Judiciary Committee.

Senate Bill 899, by Sen. Michael MacDonald (R-Macomb) was held over, however, after several committee members voiced concern with the language that provides immunity due to a shortage of PPE and the time frame that runs to Sept. 30, even if Michigan is not then under a State of Emergency.

The bill sponsor and committee members continue to work on potential amendments to the bill.

In other medical news, the governor issued Executive Order 95, rescinding last week’s EO 84 and extending enhanced protections for the health and safety of residents and employees of long-term care facilities. The order took effect immediately and will run through June 17.

The order came shortly after criticism by the Republican majority in the Senate Oversight Committee of the governor’s executive orders relating to nursing homes and safety concerns over admitting or readmitting patients who had previously tested positive for COVID-19.

The new order “…-95 provides for a holistic decision-making process so that COVID-19-affected residents will only be discharged from a hospital to a facility that is capable of safely isolating the resident. In doing so, the order requires all hospital discharges be made consistent with current CDC and DHHS guidance. To ensure residents and employees are receiving the protections it affords, Executive Order 2020-95 authorizes the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) to take actions necessary to assure the proper level of care and services in connection with this order.”

For more information on this issue, contact Meghann Keit at keit@micounties.org.


NACo cancels 2020 Annual Conference planned for July

The National Association of Counties (NACo) will not hold its 2020 Annual Conference in July, the group’s board announced this week. Instead, the group will proceed with a virtual Annual Business Meeting, including the election for second vice president, consideration of by-laws amendments and other association business.

The 2020 NACo Annual Business Meeting will be on Monday, July 20 at 2 p.m. on a secure online platform with the ability of NACo members to vote in accordance with NACo by-laws. Participation will be free for all NACo members, but registration is required. Click here to register for the virtual Annual Business Meeting. Voting delegates must complete the credentials form as part of this registration process.

If you are not sure if your county is a NACo member, contact NACo’s John Losh at jlosh@naco.org.

In addition, NACo is planning a virtual membership town hall meeting on Monday, July 13 at 4 p.m. that will include: a forum for second vice president candidates; an overview of proposed by-laws amendments; a status report on voting delegate credentials totals; and a Review of NACo policy resolutions.


Rural communities can get federal grants to fight opioid abuse

Rural communities can apply for grants from a $12 million fund to fight opioid abuse under the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (R-CORP), the federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announced on May 13.

The grant will support the expansion of prevention, treatment and recovery services for opioid and other substance use disorders.

To be eligible, the applicant must serve rural communities at the highest risk for substance use disorder. Rural counties and counties serving rural census tracts within the county are eligible to apply.

Program applications are due by July 13 and HRSA is expected to disburse funding by Sept. 1. Grant funding may be used to support the following activities, many of which fulfill county priorities in addressing substance use disorders in our communities:

  • Distributing naloxone to individuals and organizations;
  • Providing community-based naloxone training;
  • Recruiting and training providers and support staff in medication assisted treatment (NOTE: These grant funds cannot be used to pay providers/support staff to deliver medication assisted treatment);
  • Creating a strategy to reach and engage individuals at high risk of substance use disorders (SUD) or opioid use disorders (OUD);
  • Working with law enforcement to develop a diversion program; and
  • Training providers, administrative staff and other relevant stakeholders to optimize reimbursement for treatment encounters through proper coding and billing.


Webinar will aid government leaders in rethinking operations

County leaders are invited to a June 5 webinar on how to evaluate operations and adapt them to current needs.

Leaders across all industries and sectors are currently figuring out how to navigate priorities, customer needs and business operations during the unfolding coronavirus pandemic. Defining a short-term strategy to lead your organization through this health crisis takes resourcefulness, flexibility, a clear vision and the ability to ask yourself some big questions. It’s been proven time and again that the best strategies are built on good information.

Click here to register for this free event, from 1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., put on by the Lansing firm of Public Sector Consultants, Inc.


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